Hehe... Well said mafidufa, I still stand by the fact that this is over-complicated.
And just to elaborate on your point about the player now understanding the basics of Adrenaline... If he was to use adrenaline on his Frog, because it has Poison and he wants to have this frog attack as much as possible before it dies - let's say his opponent has a Bone Wall. It is a lesson well learnt, that he will leave this game safe in the knowledge that Adrenaline affects more than just the creatures attack.
He might then venture onto the forums and then we have a new member of our community. But that aside, there are no 'hard lessons' to be learnt from this card, it is just downright confusing. Maybe in the trainer, or under laboratory conditions will it be possible to extract exactly what it is this card achieves for you, and why it should be in your deck. But like Mafidufa pointed out, a player can have this intimate knowledge of Adrenaline after maybe one or two rounds. To learn this card, it might require ten to twenty games.
As for a card that affects Werewolves and Lycanthropes... I was considering editing my post about creature Classification. There will be Nocturnal Creatures and then Werewolves. Nocturnals get +1/+1 when it is Night time, and Werewolves get +2/+2 when it is a Full Moon... But I'll save this post for there.
So, back to your card idea.
It is actually 4 cards in one? It transforms each turn?
Full - Doubles Wate, Gains Entropy, Doubles Light, Halves Darkness
Waxing - Halves Water, Gains Little Entropy
New - Doubles Water, Loses Entropy, Halves Light, Doubles Darkness
Waning - Halves Water, Gain Little Entropy
So when you play it, what phase is it in?
It would makes sense for the card to transform, displaying the relevant text of what it does that turn.
Ie. When it is a Full Moon - "You gain double


. You gain 1

. You only gain half

And so on, and so forth.
And then this leaves me with one final problem to the way this card works.
So I have 2 Water Pillars, 2 Entropy Pillars, 2 Light Pillars and 2 Darkness Pillars. My Mark is Fire.
Full Moon - I get 4 Water, 3 Entropy, 4 Light and 1 Darkness.
Waxing Moon - I get 1 Water, 1 Entropy, 2 Light and 4 Darkness
New - I get 4 Water, 1 Entropy, 1 Light, and 4 Darkness.
Waning - 1 Get 1 Water, 1 Entropy, 2 Light and 2 Darkness
Can you see where I'm coming from, and why I have such complexity issues with this card? Is there a difference between Gains Entropy and Gains Little Entropy?
Sometimes it is not enough just to post your card idea in the 'official' table. I suggest you post your idea in a raw format, explaining - in detail - what the card does, what it's benefits are, what it's disadvantages are, and why you think it is needed in the game. Then, once you have some intelligible discussion about what people think about your card - you can then tabulate it and put it in the official way. I've noticed quite a few of your new suggestions in your Quantum Mechanics series have very little to no responses.