Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: Bloodshadow on April 19, 2010, 12:42:01 am

Title: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 19, 2010, 12:42:01 am
I'll do the card image and chart after dinner, in two or three hours.

OK, this is another card in the drain-all-quanta series; this card drains all :gravity. I already made a card that drains all :darkness:

11 :gravity
All your :gravity are consumed.
Both players lose all quanta, then both players gain 1 quantum of his or her Mark.
For example, if your Mark is Earth, then when you use this card, you lose all quanta then gain 1 :earth.
9 :gravity
All your :gravity are consumed.
Both players lose all quanta, then both players gain 1 quantum of his or her Mark.
For example, if your Mark is Earth, then when you use this card, you lose all quanta then gain 1 :earth.
When I made this card, I thought: Gravity already has Black Hole. What's more powerful than a Black Hole? Then I thought of a singularity, a point of zero volume and infinite density. To fit the name of "singular", the card Singularity leaves each player with one singular quantum of their Marks.

Is this card overpowered?

BTW, link to original art:
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Wisemage on April 19, 2010, 01:12:09 am
The only purpose i can see it having is if you have all of your cards out and your opponent has little or nothing.

by draining both players it just has nothing to offer to the game.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 19, 2010, 02:23:01 am
Or you having little quanta and your opponent having a lot.

Well, if it only drains your opponent, it would be incredibly OP.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Kameda on April 19, 2010, 03:11:43 am
Or you both have tons of quanta and nothing more to play, but your opponent have an Dissipation on the field.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 19, 2010, 03:23:00 am
Really, is this card that useless?

Draining all your :gravity but draining all opponent quanta would be extremely OP, right?
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on April 19, 2010, 04:08:13 am
Really, is this card that useless?

Draining all your :gravity but draining all opponent quanta would be extremely OP, right?
But IMO this card is still OP, even though it affects the user as well.
It would also slow the game down considerably, and if this is used multiple times (Miracle is and for cheaper so it is very possible).
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: dragonhuman on April 19, 2010, 04:48:14 am
it drains all quantums, not just the users gravity thusly making it could for the pre-finishing touches where you eat creatures up and then drain em so they can't do anything sounds good and fair
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 19, 2010, 04:56:17 am
I guess this card is not completely useless after all. OK, I'll make the card image.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Arondight on April 19, 2010, 06:01:05 am
Don't really see a use to it, personally. I have a Black Hole and Quicksand deck with Gravity Nymphs. Pretty much you have to lock your opponent's Quanta, not wait until it overflows to use this. It may help for those who don't have Gravity Nymphs, at least, but I still don't think it's that useful overall.

Well, maybe if it was cheaper, since it screws both you and your opponent over. It can possibly set the stage for a win by locking your opponent down for those essential turns. Best scenario is having some Chargers on the field.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: xKelevra on April 19, 2010, 06:32:13 am
I guess it could be used in conjunction with QS for some form of extreme quantum denial. It could also help boost my w/r against Chaos Lord :3
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 19, 2010, 06:45:31 am
Cheaper? Wouldn't that be overpowered though?

OK, how about 8/6 regular/upped cost?
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: cthulhu on April 19, 2010, 07:31:55 am
Why have singularity be a separate card if black holes already have them?  :D
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 19, 2010, 07:07:41 pm
Why have singularity be a separate card if black holes already have them?  :D
I'm trying to design those drain-all-quanta spells. Singularity is the one for Gravity.

Possible uses for this card:

Save yourself for one turn. After you use it, your opponent can't do ANYTHING the next turn, unless he plays 0 or 1 cost creatures. It won't stop creatures from attacking, but it ensures that your opponent can't do anything else. Remember, quanta is generated after your opponent ends his turn.

Extreme denial. Kill all his pillars with EQ, then use Singularity. Boom, no pillars, no quanta, dead.
Also, this could potentially kill Immolation decks.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: CB! on April 19, 2010, 09:57:26 pm
These would come in handy for the miracle spamming false gods...
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: mafidufa on April 19, 2010, 10:09:32 pm
devastating against a firebolt rush
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 22, 2010, 03:13:08 am
First post is now updated with card images and charts.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: dragonhuman on April 22, 2010, 04:36:58 am
this card is mostly meant for getting ready for the killing blow, it gives you one turn to do whatever you want until quantums settle back to normal and its a really good card
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 22, 2010, 04:39:51 am
That is certainly one use of this card. The other use is destroy all his pillars, then Singularity...
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: killsdazombies on April 22, 2010, 04:47:52 am
lol this card would actually give a fighting chance against super bolt decks! lol i like it :D/10
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: CB! on April 22, 2010, 01:32:52 pm
Just noticed this, and it's picky on my end, but isn't "all your :gravity are consumed" followed by "both players lose all quanta" redundant?
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: dragonhuman on April 22, 2010, 03:32:30 pm
Just noticed this, and it's picky on my end, but isn't "all your :gravity are consumed" followed by "both players lose all quanta" redundant?
its to make it fit in with the All your _____ quantums are consumed
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: vrt on April 22, 2010, 05:01:05 pm
I'm pretty indifferent to the card as it is, I could see it being put to decent use, and horribly backfiring.

I'd like to add, though, that while using another artist's work is already ruffling my feathers, using it and editing it is a reason to get pretty pissed off. I suggest you either use original work, get permission from the author, or use royalty-free images such as this one (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1043032) or this one (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1099574). Those are free to edit, too.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Arondight on April 23, 2010, 12:18:31 am
As long as he had gotten permission to use and edit it. Although, from another artist's stand point, I would be pretty annoyed if someone wanted my work just to edit it. Royalty free images are really the quick and easy way to go, which avoids conflicts.  :)
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Wisemage on April 23, 2010, 12:48:43 am
Its not really that big a deal is it?  If a new card is added it doesnt need to use the art work the player used.  This is just to get your point across, hes not getting anything off of someone elses artwork.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 23, 2010, 12:50:39 am
I'm pretty indifferent to the card as it is, I could see it being put to decent use, and horribly backfiring.

I'd like to add, though, that while using another artist's work is already ruffling my feathers, using it and editing it is a reason to get pretty pissed off. I suggest you either use original work, get permission from the author, or use royalty-free images such as this one (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1043032) or this one (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1099574). Those are free to edit, too.
On the deviantART page, it tells you whether you can use the image or not. For my other card, Corruption, the image had a license beneath it; I've read the license carefully, and made sure that I am allowed to use that image and edit it. For this image, I see no license; what tells me that I can't use it?
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: vrt on April 23, 2010, 02:42:49 am
I'm pretty indifferent to the card as it is, I could see it being put to decent use, and horribly backfiring.

I'd like to add, though, that while using another artist's work is already ruffling my feathers, using it and editing it is a reason to get pretty pissed off. I suggest you either use original work, get permission from the author, or use royalty-free images such as this one (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1043032) or this one (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1099574). Those are free to edit, too.
On the deviantART page, it tells you whether you can use the image or not. For my other card, Corruption, the image had a license beneath it; I've read the license carefully, and made sure that I am allowed to use that image and edit it. For this image, I see no license; what tells me that I can't use it?
The very fact that it isn't released under a license. This means it's released under applicable copyright law, as the '©2007-2010 ~HaylieNowak' implies.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 23, 2010, 03:07:46 am
To me, it seems that those images with the "buy this print" tags are not for me to use. But basically you're saying that NOTHING on deviantART is usable, UNLESS it has that license? I find that highly unlikely. So you're basically saying that if I make a random doodle in Paint, and submit it to deviantART, then nobody is allowed to use that doodle?

I still believe that if that image is not available to use, it should have some sort of "not available for use" tag on it. Otherwise people would be breaking laws way too often.

And again, the only reason I've even bothered to include an image is that people will not look at this idea if it has no images. I'm beginning to think that I should have just used a blank card template to avoid all this trouble.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Tukkun on April 23, 2010, 03:16:54 pm
I think the "All your  :gravity are consumed" is a very unnecessary line. It consumes all of your quanta anyway!
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: vrt on April 23, 2010, 03:21:05 pm
To me, it seems that those images with the "buy this print" tags are not for me to use. But basically you're saying that NOTHING on deviantART is usable, UNLESS it has that license? I find that highly unlikely. So you're basically saying that if I make a random doodle in Paint, and submit it to deviantART, then nobody is allowed to use that doodle?
That is exactly what the law says, yes.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: xdude on April 23, 2010, 03:30:35 pm
I think the "All your  :gravity are consumed" is a very unnecessary line. It consumes all of your quanta anyway!

Also, I don't think Zanz wants a series of this cards. I mean, if he wanted one, they would all have the same rarity, and Fractal didn't even start like that. That was just balancing.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Scaredgirl on April 23, 2010, 06:36:51 pm
I think the "All your  :gravity are consumed" is a very unnecessary line. It consumes all of your quanta anyway!

Also I don't see the point of this card to be honest. All it does is delay your death. The problem is that card hurts both you and your opponent equally, only it kind of hurts you even MORE because not only does it take one slot but you also have to PAY for it.

Unless your opponent uses Fire Bolts or something, it's pretty useless.  Of course you could use this in a deck-out deck, but I would still want to see it hurt you less than your opponent.

Why not simply increase the cost and make it drain only your opponent or something? Although in that case you might have to increase the cost a lot so that it cannot be chained.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 24, 2010, 12:41:41 am
I added "All your :gravity are consumed" simply for the sake of consistency.

Also, I don't think Zanz wants a series of this cards. I mean, if he wanted one, they would all have the same rarity, and Fractal didn't even start like that. That was just balancing.
None can read the Divine mind that is Zanzarino. Who knows, maybe he didn't want one initially, but after making Fractal he started to want one? ;)

@SG: Seriously? You don't see the potential for denial decks? Destroy all pillars, then destroy all quanta. Boom, your opponent will be stuck for a couple of turns. I'd probably make a Gravity/Earth deck with Mark of Darkness for Devourers, and it should deny so well that it's even more complete than the Fractal-Devourer deck.

Making this only drain your opponent's quanta is extremely overpowered, no matter how high the cost is. Unless you make the cost 30 :gravity or something, which I don't really want.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: dragonhuman on April 24, 2010, 05:22:51 am
its also good for the killing blow, to make sure they can't miracle themselves, and it doesn't hurt you that much if played right as you can use your abilities before you play it, your opponent cannot and even then oyu'll get some more quantum before they do
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: jmizzle7 on April 25, 2010, 05:58:27 am
This is a tempo card of the highest degree. If you are winning the damage race, this pretty much means you get a free turn, meaning you are winning the damage race even more. Aggro-tempo decks like Charger Singularity would be quite good, especially if paired with a Time mark and Rewinds. Ridiculous card that needs to cost at least 3-4 more quanta.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on April 25, 2010, 06:09:25 am
SG thinks it's UP, Jmizzle thinks it's OP...
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Xinef on April 25, 2010, 05:09:10 pm
I think it could be useful in conjunction with anubises. Play an anubis, play singularity, opponent can not kill your anubis, you immortalize your anubis on the next turn.
Good in scarab decks (:time :aether :gravity), as long as you can pay it with your mark in a reasonable time, or if you run aether mark and gravity pillars.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Kael Hate on May 06, 2010, 03:37:28 pm
- Jmizzle7 comment regarding tempo is quite justified do you have any reason to disagree?
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 07, 2010, 01:14:31 am
Originally, I lowered the cost because some people said it was underpowered. I'll raise the cost up a bit and update the image (in about three different threads >.<) when I have time.

How about 11/9 for the cost?
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 08, 2010, 01:03:30 am
Quanta cost is now 11 :gravity regular and 9 :gravity upgraded.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Avenger on May 12, 2010, 06:03:16 pm
I think this is a good card. It isn't OP, it levels the playing field. Sometimes (i guess 50% of the time), it won't worth playing it, in those cases it is dead weight. In other cases, it will cut the game short based on current creature standing.
An extreme anti-stall/anti-spell card. I can imagine using this in the same deck as fractal.
The first line is redundant. We don't need to have it just for the sake every color has one card with that line in it.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: valuka on May 12, 2010, 09:25:35 pm
I think this card is OP. Not the cost, simply what it does. Imagine this in Dark Matters hand...
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 13, 2010, 03:01:36 am
I think this card is OP. Not the cost, simply what it does. Imagine this in Dark Matters hand...
Then Dark Matter would wipe his own quanta pool as well. And considering that he's a FG, I'd bet that he loses more quanta than you.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: rakazy8564 on June 18, 2010, 05:59:13 pm
I'll do the card image and chart after dinner, in two or three hours.

OK, this is another card in the drain-all-quanta series; this card drains all :gravity. I already made a card that drains all :darkness:

NAME: Singularity
ELEMENT: Gravity
COST: 11 :gravity
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: All your :gravity are consumed.
Both players lose all quanta, then both players gain 1 quantum of his or her Mark.
NOTES: For example, if your Mark is Earth, then when you use this card, you lose all quanta then gain 1 :earth.
ART BY: HaylieNowak
IDEA BY: Bloodshadow
NAME: Singularity
ELEMENT: Gravity
COST: 9 :gravity
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: All your :gravity are consumed.
Both players lose all quanta, then both players gain 1 quantum of his or her Mark.
NOTES: For example, if your Mark is Earth, then when you use this card, you lose all quanta then gain 1 :earth.
ART BY: HaylieNowak
IDEA BY: Bloodshadow
When I made this card, I thought: Gravity already has Black Hole. What's more powerful than a Black Hole? Then I thought of a singularity, a point of zero volume and infinite density. To fit the name of "singular", the card Singularity leaves each player with one singular quantum of their Marks.

Is this card overpowered?

BTW, link to original art:
"What's more powerful than a Black Hole? Then I thought of a singularity, a point of zero volume and infinite density." - It's thought that a singularity exist within a Black Hole, and therefore they're sorta the same thing, just that it's deeper inside of it.  Also, density is mass over volume, therefore with 0 volume, and just 1 mass you can achieve an undefined value of density.  However, even then the gravitational force will be very minimal because the mass is so low.  Gravitational force is a function of mass, not density, so it's only stronger when the mass is greater.  Also, although gravity has black hole already, there's also quasars.  Which are extreme versions of black holes (they suck in entire galaxies while black holes only do solar systems, and this is responsible for the massive gamma radiation that strikes out Earth).  Also, black holes are thought to be mass to energy converters, so why not add a small healing bit? =P  Not too much though.  Don't want to lose its usefulness ^^
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 18, 2010, 06:25:59 pm
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Elements is not the real world, so things in the game doesn't have to perfectly correspond to real-life physics.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: johannhowitzer on June 19, 2010, 01:57:26 am
The problem I have with this card is that if you EVER have the upper hand, this can ensure you keep it.

Balancing suggestion: each player gains one life for each quantum they lost.  A true reset, rather than a cripple, allowing your opponent time to get back on his feet.  If you think that's OP as a healing spell, maybe one life every 2-3 quanta?
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 19, 2010, 03:45:59 am
The problem I have with this card is that if you EVER have the upper hand, this can ensure you keep it.
That, by itself, doesn't make this card OP. If you can't keep your upper hand, that means you don't have the upper hand after all.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: johannhowitzer on June 19, 2010, 05:09:31 am
I mean that if you have more damage out than your opponent, this card buries him all by itself.  It's like adding fractaled Devourers on top of whatever deck you're already running.  Flying Titans with this as a follow-up would be brutal, for example.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: dystopical on November 23, 2010, 03:20:50 pm
there's no way your opponent can bring out cards to defend himself if your damage output is currently higher than his...which might be a problem
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: Captain Scibra on December 04, 2010, 10:32:24 am
First off, "All your :gravity are consumed" is redundant in the description, since it is included that you lose it when you lose all quanta.  Also I would rather use a gravity nymph (if i had some) or black holes to drain the opponents quanta without considerably depleting my own.  Honestly seems like too much trouble for such an effect.
Title: Re: Singularity | Singularity
Post by: 991woot119 on December 19, 2010, 10:18:10 am
could be VERY good if you're about to win you have all your creatures out then your opponent with 10+ quantum towers puts out an upgraded dissipation field you use this LAST then kill them