I added "All your

are consumed" simply for the sake of consistency.
Also, I don't think Zanz wants a series of this cards. I mean, if he wanted one, they would all have the same rarity, and Fractal didn't even start like that. That was just balancing.
None can read the Divine mind that is Zanzarino. Who knows, maybe he didn't want one initially, but after making Fractal he started to want one?

@SG: Seriously? You don't see the potential for denial decks? Destroy all pillars, then destroy all quanta. Boom, your opponent will be stuck for a couple of turns. I'd probably make a Gravity/Earth deck with Mark of Darkness for Devourers, and it should deny so well that it's even more complete than the Fractal-Devourer deck.
Making this only drain your opponent's quanta is extremely overpowered, no matter how high the cost is. Unless you make the cost 30

or something, which I don't really want.