ART: | Kamietsu
| IDEA: | Kamietsu
| NOTES: | Sheath acts as a placeholder for a second(or third, fourth, etc) weapon on your permanent area. You can put a weapon in the sheath by playing a second weapon. You will then get a choice of whether to replace your in use weapon(which would place the previous weapon in any unused Sheath), or place it in any unused Sheath.
It can be destroyed or stolen like any other permanent and the weapon in the sheath will go with it.
You can equip a weapon in the sheath the same turn the sheath is played but you cannot access the weapon in the sheath until your next turn when you can swap it for your active weapon.
As long as the weapon in the sheath has been on the field for a turn, when you swap weapon you will be able to use any active effects on that weapon. This would make for greater synergies and strategies by giving you a second(or more) active weapon ability, but still only one weapon attacking at the end of a turn.
This would also enable you to play weapons earlier while waiting for flying/animate weapon.