Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: Kamietsu on October 06, 2012, 09:16:00 pm

Title: Sheath | Sheath
Post by: Kamietsu on October 06, 2012, 09:16:00 pm
1 :earth

Stores one weapon. 0: Swap this weapon with your current weapon. Swapped weapon gains +1 this turn.

Stores one weapon. 0: Swap this weapon with your current weapon. Swapped weapon gains +1 this turn.

Sheath acts as a placeholder for a second(or third, fourth, etc) weapon on your permanent area. You can put a weapon in the sheath by playing a second weapon. You will then get a choice of whether to replace your in use weapon(which would place the previous weapon in any unused Sheath), or place it in any unused Sheath.

It can be destroyed or stolen like any other permanent and the weapon in the sheath will go with it.

You can equip a weapon in the sheath the same turn the sheath is played but you cannot access the weapon in the sheath until your next turn when you can swap it for your active weapon.

As long as the weapon in the sheath has been on the field for a turn, when you swap weapon you will be able to use any active effects on that weapon. This would make for greater synergies and strategies by giving you a second(or more) active weapon ability, but still only one weapon attacking at the end of a turn.

This would also enable you to play weapons earlier while waiting for flying/animate weapon.

Title: Re: Sheath | Sheath
Post by: furballdn on October 06, 2012, 09:21:27 pm
I think Naesala made a card already like this called armory, in where newly played weapons and shields would be returned to your hand.

This seems awfully similar. Perhaps make this apply to shields as well? Also, why would a player use this over AW?
Title: Re: Sheath | Sheath
Post by: Kamietsu on October 06, 2012, 09:23:24 pm
I think Naesala made a card already like this called armory, in where newly played weapons and shields would be returned to your hand.

This seems awfully similar. Perhaps make this apply to shields as well? Also, why would a player use this over AW?

Doesnt turn the weapon into a creature. And with this card they aren't returned to your hand but ready to be used on the field when you might need it most.
Title: Re: Sheath | Sheath
Post by: moomoose on October 06, 2012, 09:36:55 pm
i can see how this is distinct from AW. but at the same cost (more actually, from the cost to use), only one weapon does damage and/or has its effect be usable. 

potential boosts to consider on or more of off the top of my head-
sheath is immaterial
cost to switch is 0
cost to play the upgraded is 0

other less fitting ideaa just in case you like them-
increase damage for one turn after a switch
increase damage of equipped weapon when sheath is in use
ability to steal your opponents weapon (would necessitate incorporation of darkness quanta) or copy (aether)
Title: Re: Sheath | Sheath
Post by: Anarook on October 07, 2012, 01:29:49 am
I, on the other hand, quite like this idea. In a deck focused around weapons this would effectively allow you to have multiple tools for any given situation.
As I believe it reads, you could have up to 7 useable weapons at one time, and use all 7 of their abilities in one turn, provided you had the quanta to sustain it.
Title: Re: Sheath | Sheath
Post by: Naesala on October 07, 2012, 01:36:05 am
The card I made, Armory, was similarly costed (1 or 2 :earth I think) and when you played a weapon it refunded the cost of your current one and put it in your hand.
If kamietsu needs my permission or anything for similar cards, go ahead. I'm no good at card design >.>