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Re: Shard of Passion | Shard of Passion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2011, 06:38:26 am »
Seems a bit UP. I'd have the upgraded version cost 4 and also destroy anything beyond the 7th card, slightly restricting hand size in the unlikely event your opponent fails to play out cards to avoid the destruction and enjoy the free Hourglass effect.
In order to "avoid the destruction and enjoy the free Hourglass effect" you have to PLAY your cards - the more, the merrier. Which opens up to the combo with Nightmare. Another possibility is to combo this card with a quanta deprivation deck (think Pestal, although that wouldn't work) to deck out your opponent. It might be a bit UP, now that I think about it, so I'm going to lower the cost a bit.
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Re: Shard of Passion | Shard of Passion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2011, 07:09:36 am »
Also, unshard it pl0x. It's not even a permanent, why does it have to be a shard? :)
Why don't you just make all other spell shards un-sharded? Give some reasoning please.
If I could, I would. I see no reason why this should be an other card, as opposed to a random-cost time/life/fire card, because it's making things faster and destroying things. I seriously have no clue why everyone's trying to make Shards all of a sudden, even though the shard competition has ended, non-shard mechanics can inspire zanz to make a shard with those mechanics, and all it does it clog up the Other crucible with "Shard of ____" like it's some sort of series.

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Re: Shard of Passion | Shard of Passion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2011, 07:38:21 am »
Also, unshard it pl0x. It's not even a permanent, why does it have to be a shard? :)
Why don't you just make all other spell shards un-sharded? Give some reasoning please.
If I could, I would. I see no reason why this should be an other card, as opposed to a random-cost time/life/fire card, because it's making things faster and destroying things. I seriously have no clue why everyone's trying to make Shards all of a sudden, even though the shard competition has ended, non-shard mechanics can inspire zanz to make a shard with those mechanics, and all it does it clog up the Other crucible with "Shard of ____" like it's some sort of series.
Shards have mechanical rules that differ from elemental cards. These mechanical rules affect which mechanics are appropriate. That is why people make Shard card suggestions using Shard format.

Shard spells (like SoD) are shards that are expended as material components.
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