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Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: GG on October 13, 2011, 02:58:57 am

Title: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: GG on October 13, 2011, 02:58:57 am
Shard of Chaos
All effects from spells, permanents, and abilities are reversed for two turns.
:entropy cards are immune.
Shard of Chaos
All effects from spells, permanents, and abilities are reversed for two turns.
:entropy cards are immune.
Zanzarino (edited by Kuroaitou in Shard Revolution competition)
After acquiring 6 Shards of Serendipity, I was extremely disappointed at the random/semi-uselessness of the shard, and was thinking of designing a new :entropy Shard (Sorry for 10 men, but I disliked the one from the competition too).

Then it came to mind; how about something that reverses every single effect in game?

In general, Shard of Chaos basically locks both players to use only :entropy cards, giving the user advantage if he/she has mostly :entropy cards, since most cards with beneficial effects to the user will harm and harmful effects will benefit the opponent. However, it is always interesting to think of the side effects every card in game has, and thus there are a lot of clarifications needed. Undoubtedly this is probably the most complicated card idea ever.

<Work in progress>
Please reply and list out some of the most complicated mechanics to reverse

Some of the most interesting reverse-effects are marked as orange.
Mechanics that seem overpowered when reversed are marked as red. Going to try to fix soon.
Mechanics I could not think of yet are marked as grey.

- All passive/active abilities of Permanents and Creatures are affected.
- Direct damage from creatures and weapons is NOT affected.
- Shield damage reduction is NOT affected.
- Card or ability costs are NOT affected.
- Effects that occur immediately when the card is played (ex: Play a tower and gain quanta) ARE affected.
- Note that the effects used do not reverse back when the Shard duration is over.

<General / Other>

- Two or more Shards of Chaos do NOT cancel each other, just like Nightfall | Eclipse effects do not stack.
- All quanta producing permanents/creatures absorb the respective quanta instead.
 Pillars and Towers are NOT affected.

- All creature producing abilities produce a mutant with the intended creature as base.
 ex) Pharaoh produces mutant Scarabs
- All poison effects reduce poison counters or give purify counters instead. Same goes with Infection, except on creatures

- Hammer | Gavel deals 1 LESS damage if the user has :earth or :gravity mark.
- Short Bow | Long Bow deals 1 LESS damage if the user has :air mark.
- Shard of Readiness makes the ability drain all quanta when used (cost shows up as infinity).
- Shard of Sacrifice is unaffected.
- Shard of Patience has the opposite effect on attack and creatures but the creatures attack immediately.
- Shard of Serendipity destroys 3 random cards in your hand.

< :aether Aether :aether>

- Parallel Universe | Twin Universe vanishes the creature. Death effect is not triggered.
- Immortality?
- Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield lets through physical damage but blocks spell damage instead.
 (It doesn't really matter since all damaging spells get reversed anyway; anyone with a better idea?)
- Web makes the target creature airborne.
- Fractal?
- Mindgate ability adds a copy of the last card of your deck.
- Silence deals 10 damage to opponent if unable to play a card next turn.
- Lobotomizer | Electrocuter gives a random non-nymph ability. Cost is same as the original ability's cost.
 (:water Growth and :earth Growth are considered different)

< :air Air :air>

- Dive halves the damage, rounded up.
- Wings blocks airborne creatures.
- Fog Shield makes 60% of attacks miss.
- Flying Weapon | Animate Weapon targets a creature and make it into a weapon. The stats follow the base card.
 ex) A 11|5 Lava Destroyer doesn't become a 11 attack weapon; it goes back to 7.
- Unstable Gas heals the opponent by 20 HP and increases (not heal) all creatures' HP by 1.
- Shockwave used on a frozen creature immediately unfreezes it and creates its copy.
 Immediately unfreezes the frozen weapon when targeting a player.
- Blue Nymph | Air Nymph creates an Unstable Gas on the opponent's side.

< :darkness Darkness :darkness>

- Devourer | Pest absorbs 1 :darkness from the opponent and generates a random quanta for you
- Steal targets your own permanent and gives it to the opponent. Nothing happens if opponent permanent is targeted.
- Nightfall | Eclipse buffs :light creatures instead.
- Vampiric weapons/creatures deal damage to user instead of healing.
- Drain Life | Siphon Life heals the opponent and damages the user. Nothing happens if used on the user.
- Liquid Shadow?
- Voodoo Doll is NOT affected. My head explodes even thinking of it and all the effects.
- Nightmare fills the user's hand with copies of the target card, and heals 2 HP for every copy made.

< :death Death :death>

- All cards that have death-triggered effects activate whenever a new creature appears on field.
 ex) You have a Vulture (0|1), 2 charge Bonewall, and a Boneyard.
   Opponent plays 3 Minor Phoenixes. Vulture is now 3|4. Bonewall had 2 charges. Now it has 8. The owner of Vulture had There are 3 more Skeletons on the user's field.
- Virus | Retrovirus copies itself (not generating a new one) instead of dying when ability's used. Virus gives target creature 1 purify counter and Retrovirus gives all opponent creatures 1 purify counter.
- Skull Shield | Skull Buckler?
- Skeleton or Mummy affected with Reverse Time dies, triggering death effect activated cards 3 times.

- Aflatoxin gives 2 purify counters to the creature, and if it (somehow) dies, a malignant cell appears on the opponent's field.
- Soul Catcher generates quanta whenever a new creature appears on field.

< :earth Earth :earth>

- Burrow doubles the creature's attack, makes it airborne, but it dies after the turn the ability's used.
- Graboid | Elite Graboid turns ('devolves') into a Gnome Rider | Gnome Gemfinder if it uses Evolve.
- Enchant Artifact | Protect Artifact destroys the target permanent.
- Earthquake | Quicksand protects the target cluster.
- Basilisk Blood reduces HP by 2 and gives Adrenaline.
- Warden gives adrenaline to both the target and itself when it uses the ability. Nothing is delayed.

Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Jocko on October 13, 2011, 03:00:30 am
Fractal, mitosis, nightmare, TU, om nom nom, hope, BB, steal. Would be fun though.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Kamietsu on October 13, 2011, 03:01:16 am
Cremation copies a creature and removes 6-8 fire quanta and 1 quanta from each element?

Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: GG on October 13, 2011, 03:04:50 am
Cremation copies a creature and removes 6-8 fire quanta and 1 quanta from each element?

*looks at chat* You're really enjoying thinking of all the effects aren't you?

Also I made this with a serious mind but feels like it might get kicked off to Humor section... fml
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: OldTrees on October 13, 2011, 03:18:54 am
How could the Mitosis spell be reversed? Any inversion of the Mitosis skill still Lobotomizes the creature. Any inversion of Lobotomizing the creature eliminates the possibility for inverting the Mitosis skill.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Kamietsu on October 13, 2011, 03:30:44 am
Cremation copies a creature and removes 6-8 fire quanta and 1 quanta from each element?

*looks at chat* You're really enjoying thinking of all the effects aren't you?

Also I made this with a serious mind but feels like it might get kicked off to Humor section... fml
I am. I like things like this. It's amusing, while also being creative. I don't think it will be moved to humor. I just put a humorous spin on things :P

Stone Skin reduces your HP and Max HP by your Earth Quanta.
Heal Hurts.
Holy Light hurts you, hurts Light creatures, heals darkness creatures.
Adrenaline delays a creature based on how many turns it would have gotten to attack based on attack.
Flood only kills water and other creatures and gives you Water quanta each turn.
Pendulums work in the opposite order.
Soul Catcher takes away Death Quanta.
Mindgate gives your opponent a copy of the first card in your deck.
Hourglass puts one random card from your hand to the top of your deck.
Precog does the same but shows your opponent your hand.

How could the Mitosis spell be reversed? Any inversion of the Mitosis skill still Lobotomizes the creature. Any inversion of Lobotomizing the creature eliminates the possibility for inverting the Mitosis skill.
Mitosis removes a creature of the same species from the field and gives the owner of the Mitosis creature quanta equal to it.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: GG on October 13, 2011, 03:37:32 am
If I just follow the concept of inversion literally, most of the abilities would be totally useless.

For example, Hourglass would DISCARD the next card of your deck. Who the hell would want to do that?

Therefore, as Kami seems to be suggesting, I will be a bit flexible and make most abilities actually usable for some random purpose. Feel free to kick me if you disagree.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: moomoose on October 13, 2011, 03:45:19 am
I am. I like things like this. It's amusing, while also being creative. I don't think it will be moved to humor. I just put a humorous spin on things :P
i've tried that, it doesn't fly here  :))
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Kamietsu on October 13, 2011, 04:02:47 am
I am. I like things like this. It's amusing, while also being creative. I don't think it will be moved to humor. I just put a humorous spin on things :P
i've tried that, it doesn't fly here  :))
Well obviously you aren't fly like me.

If I just follow the concept of inversion literally, most of the abilities would be totally useless.

For example, Hourglass would DISCARD the next card of your deck. Who the hell would want to do that?

Therefore, as Kami seems to be suggesting, I will be a bit flexible and make most abilities actually usable for some random purpose. Feel free to kick me if you disagree.
I suppose that's a good idea. Just give the effects a sort of opposite effect while still being somewhat useful.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: mycale on October 13, 2011, 04:03:06 am
Suggestions for fractal:

- Discard all cards which are different from the targeted card.
- Has the same effect as nightmare.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Xenocidius on October 13, 2011, 05:07:02 am
And Nightmare would ... remove all the opponent's cards?
Twin Universe = effectively instant kill?
Animate Weapon = Living Weapon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30401)?

Well, I LOVE this card to be honest. This is the most creative idea I've seen in a long, long time. It combos with probably more than half the cards in the game, and allows for countless deck ideas. Spider/Sky Blitz anyone?

Kudos to you.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Elite arbiter on October 13, 2011, 05:20:28 am
Personally I like Serendipity and its random effects, and I think it 'can' be very useful with a composition that takes it into account. But I like this idea as well, and even if its not taken for time it'd be nice if it would somehow get put into another element, or perhaps another entropy card period. Perhaps it could instead be a non-shard permanent that just stayed on the field. Also, I like the idea that some cards become useless/detrimental. This way it serves as soft counter to spells and such while also giving benefits to those who build their deck around it. One of my only problems with it is that it auto-wins against any deck that relies on a lot of regeneration like SoG's and Sanctuaries and basically makes them unviable.

Anyway, a couple simple guideline suggestions to help complete the project if they work for balance. Things that need to be looked into intensively are separated although there might be balance issues.

All quanta drain becomes quanta generation, and most Quanta generation becomes Quanta drain like via RoL's and the original playing of Quantum Towers. Pillars should probably be unaffected by this unless the idea of a hand like (Snova+Snova+ 2 Entropy Pillars + Shard of Chaos + 2-3 creatures like Elite Grab+Flesh Recluse+Giant Frog) locking the opponent down at Turn 0 for the first 2 + however many other shards you can chainx2 turns with 0 way to stop it is intended.

All % chances are inverted.
Gravity Shield blocks all creatures with 5 or less HP.
Bonewall lets attacks through, but creates a bone wall for each attack that goes through.
Phase Shield lets through Physical Damage, but the turn counter goes up for each turn. (?)
Explosion TU's the permanent to the same player, Steal TU's it to both players. I only have Steal different so as to make it not identical to explosion, but exact copying would be.
Rewind Time turns a creature into a Skeleton, and rewinds skeletons into the deck.
Parallel Universe Rewinds. I say this mainly because what you suggest for Twin Universe I think should be for Quintessence.
Draw effects make the opposite player draw a card. (Potential combination with the fire shard that is rumored to force the opponent to draw cards, and screws over draw decks.)
All delay effects give the target Adrenaline, and Epinephrine delays the creature for a turn for each time it would normally attack. (4 turns for a 3 power, 3 turns for a 5 power, etc.)
Unstoppable delays a creature for 2 turns and takes away 1-1.
Boneyard creates a random non-death creature with a quanta cost of 5 or under. (Quanta limitation to prevent heavy abuse, but might not be needed.)
Things that are Frozen cannot be targeted instead of its usual prevention from attacking while the shard is in play.

Creature producing effects from creatures, such as Evolve, Hatch, Firefly, Scarab produce a mutant of whatever they would make normally. (Might need balancing, but I like this because it fits with the mutation theme in Entropy as well as I don't see any real 'opposite' to it, and it'd make for some very interesting mutation decks.)

... wow, that was a bit bigger of a list than I expected. Thats a good thing really.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Naesala on October 13, 2011, 05:41:32 am
Love it, but would take a lot of work to implement.

Devour- creates a copy of target monster, creature losses -1|-1
Pest would cause player to lose a dark and give opponent a random quanta
BB would deal 20 damage to creature, but give it 6 attacks? or possibly adrenaline
Poison would purify, purify would remover all purification tokens and deal 1 poison
Neurotoxin would grant a purify token for every card played
Growth/Buffs would weaken/damage and damage effects would heal
momentum would give -1|-1 and make any shield negate all damage.
Black hole would give the opponent 3 of every quanta and damage you for 36 (ouch)
Poison upon ingestion would instead grant a purification counter to the monster
Earthquake/Posedon would add 3 pillars to target stack
Draw effects would discard cards from the deck or give the draw to your opponent.
Anubis/Quintessense would kill monsters
Parallel Universe would send target creature to the hand.
GotP would heal you 10 HP per turn if discarded
Reverse time would create a copy of the card, or possibly turn it into a skeleton, not sure here
Gravity pull would make the creature immortal
Chimera...would be tricky
Lucifrase would deal 10 damage to the owner and remove any light generating abilities
Quanta generation would become quanta removal (excepting towers)
Fahrenheit would deal less damage the more fire quanta you had.
Endow would Lobo the crusader and subtract the weapon stength and 2 health
Vampire would act as though antimattered
I would agree spawning effects should generate mutants
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: GG on October 14, 2011, 05:05:40 pm
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Jocko on October 14, 2011, 05:16:40 pm
Lol. I guess it is...
Playing this card would be so much fun :D
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Naesala on October 14, 2011, 05:58:52 pm

If someone could get me a list of all effects/abilities what have you, I would happily write out opposite effects.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: freemod1espilon on March 29, 2012, 11:38:16 pm
Crazy messed up but really fun  would immortal creatures die, be not affected or become mortal and what happens with an anti-mattered vampire??? what does RT do?? can a creature die by this? and do towers remove 1 quanta on play? and lastly could  fractal eliminate the copies of the card fractalled? cause that would be very helpful  :D
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Alchemist on April 26, 2012, 10:40:15 pm
Wow... gr8 thinking, except that this card affects almost the WHOLE GAME... turns it into something completely else. That would be like most powerful spell in game, OK maybe not most powerful, but most versatile indeed
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Drake_XIV on April 26, 2012, 10:52:47 pm
Considering that all the Shards have been implemented, unless Zanz will add more, that point seems rather... pointless.
Title: Re: Shard of Chaos | Shard of Chaos
Post by: Alchemist on April 26, 2012, 11:58:59 pm
If you say so, than it must be like that. I agree that 4 instance Shard of Sacrifice "turned the game in something else", but most of shards did not, and this shard would go even further than sacrifice. Because, I'd definitely rather use its potential in combinations with other elements, than to "force" myself and opp to only use entropy. And it also has much more ways to be used than shard of sacrifice. So this card isn't taker as it was meant to be, but a giver. Anyway, if it gets implemented in game -  I will use it definitely. you were right when you thought that Shard of serendipity could get better.