I was not saying the card was unbalanced I was saying that the upgraded card gets a better effect and a cost drop which makes little sense.
Why does the increase in effect and cost drop of 1 not make sense to you? Is it just that you do not like two types of improvements at the same time even if they net a benefit with the standard range? Is increases in both attack and hp also a problem for you? How about increases in skill value and hp? Or increase in attack and decrease in cost?
Its not that I don't like it. It's just that from what I've seen an when a card gets upgraded one of 4 things happen:
1. The card gets reduction in cost the by 1-2 (usually 1) quanta and no other buff (quint)
2. The card gets a small buff stays the same (discord)
3. The card gets a "nerf" the cost drops dramatically (minor phoenix)
4. The card gets a major buff the the cost rises (mutation)
This card seems like it should fall under #2 or number #1 but instead it gets #2 and and #1 so I don't think it's too unreasonable for me to be confused as to why.
That being said maybe I'm misinterpreting your post. But there is no reason to insult my analysis as being purely opinion.