Some oddball ideas for alternative concepts of the continuum mechanic if you decide to rework the card:
1) Allow
to be substituted for each other - eg time-space continuum
2) Allow casting costs of a target card to "accumulate" on the card as quanta is generated - continuous casting
3) Suspend normal draw phase, and cause players to instead draw after every 2 (or maybe 3) cards played or discarded by either player (this is giving more of a mind-time connection than time-space connection though)
4) Suspend normal creature attack timings and instead link them to card playing, discarding and / or skill usages,
E.g. each creature gets assigned an attack "cooldown" based on total combined cost, hp, and attack power. Every time a player takes an action (plays or draws a card, discards, activates an ability, etc) all creature cooldowns tick down by 1. Whenever a cooldown hits 0 the creature gets an attack.
The wording may be tricky for 3 or especially 4... maybe something like:
"Attacks now occur due to actions (drawing, casting, skill use, etc). Creatures with low combined stats will be faster."