Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: Drobbit on November 26, 2010, 02:27:03 pm

Title: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Drobbit on November 26, 2010, 02:27:03 pm
Seven Seas
4 :aether
:water :water: Stand by for boarding!
Add a copy of a random creature card in the opponent's deck to your hand
Seven Seas
3 :aether
:water :water: Stand by for boarding!
Add a copy of a random creature card in the opponent's deck to your hand
Cartypelius and Drobbit
Somehow like Mindgate but creates a copy of a random creature from your opponent's deck and places it into your hand. It could be a funny way to play a rainbow deck without creatures, playing with the opponent ones.
That is a kind of "aether pirate boarding" as it doesn't kidnaps creature, just creates a copy.
Quantum Pirates (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,16370.msg223712#msg223712)
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: joebob777 on November 26, 2010, 10:55:43 pm
first off, i like how you are comming up with a pirate series, second i can see you activating it, quintessencing all of your creatures and borrowing all of your opponents so that you deal a lot of damage in one turn AND your opponent CANT borrow your creatures cause they are immortal, my suggestion is call it treaty of war and eliminate the quintesence part
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: Drobbit on November 27, 2010, 01:04:26 am
wow wow wow! I have to say sorry. Is a mistake because of my bad english. I wanted to say that NO creatures can be borrowed or quintsenced this turn.
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: Ryli on November 27, 2010, 01:25:35 am

I'm not too sure what this would achieve though, apart from a loss of 6/4 aether. Care to explain what you intend to use this for?
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: Uppercut on November 27, 2010, 01:53:16 am
I think I know what his intent was but it would require changing the card to a self destructing permanent. It still seems pretty weak though.
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: AnonymousRevival on November 27, 2010, 07:39:42 am
I think the costs seem a little too much.
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: Drobbit on November 27, 2010, 08:14:57 pm
I corrected the mistakes and lowed the cost
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: fenix2011 on November 28, 2010, 02:26:35 pm
burrowed AND unburrowed?
I.e. does it block a shrieker unburrow-for-the-kill?

Seems its use is to stall before the opponent can quint a creature? Seeing as you can quint a creature on the turn its played....
Burrow on the other hand, I get that more..
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: Drobbit on November 28, 2010, 04:36:42 pm
Yes. It is good to be played with precognition (I wanted to make a card that buffs precognition too). You see that the opponent can play a creature and quintessence it and then you play that card so you prevent the quintessence and/or summoning the creature (you don't play it if it would be unprotected).
Also the creatures like shriker wouldn't be burrowed so you can have another turn to kill them. It doesn't affect unborrowing.
But suggestions are wellcome.
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: sakmon on December 19, 2010, 02:36:26 am
I think it would be better with 1 less cost and affect unburrowing or just 2 less cost.
Title: Re: Gentlemen o'fortune | Carte Blanche
Post by: Drobbit on December 19, 2010, 01:29:07 pm
What if besides of that, I make it last 3 turns?
But as I saw the new card called cloak, I saw many similar game uses of both cards. So now I'm a bit lost of what to do with this card.
The meaning of the card is that no tricky can be done while this is on play, but how to represent it?
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Drobbit on January 10, 2011, 06:46:43 pm
I've totally changed the card, because the other one was too close to Cloak.
This matches more with the theme and could be very funny to play.

Hope you like it.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Ryli on January 10, 2011, 07:24:24 pm
hmmm. It's like Mindgate. You can't do the rewind combo with it though, but you can be guarenteed a creature, which is probably it's main selling point over mindgate.

What if they have no creatures though? I assume you get nothing.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Drobbit on January 10, 2011, 10:56:17 pm
If there are no creatures you get nothing, so then it will be a useless card. But I gess it would be very very rare.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Drobbit on January 11, 2011, 12:16:03 pm
Don't you think that the cost could be lowered due to the mix of elements here?
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Ryli on January 11, 2011, 12:21:52 pm
I like it where it is, due to the fact it can be more stable. If you do reduce the cost though, it should be 1 to both casting costs. It will probably become unbalanced if you do anything with the ability cost though.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Kuroaitou on January 14, 2011, 01:06:15 pm
-Please do not use watermarked images (i.e. - art with logos over them). Those images should not be used in general because they are (in-fact) NOT royalty-free, as you require either a license, permission, and a potential purchase of the artwork in question before using it. Change the artwork when possible.

I kind of like it, but as morningstar say, reducing the cost by 1 :aether quanta could potentially make it a more intriguing card over Mind Gate, excluding the potential weaknesses of the card (getting weak creatures, getting no creatures if you're up against a Fire stall deck, etc.). Out of all your Pirate cards so far, I'd unfortunately would have to say that this card would probably be completely ignored in the polls due to its overwhelming similarity to Mind Gate, but who knows, this could be a fun permanent to play along with in a :water :aether duo.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Drobbit on January 14, 2011, 01:43:38 pm
Hummm that makes me think about puting some changes on the card to make it more sweet.
The original thought was: "Put a random creature from your deck into your hand"
I don't know why I did not go through. How do you see it?
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Ryli on January 14, 2011, 02:10:06 pm
That could easily be manipulated, by only having 1 (or several copies of 1) creature in your deck, which makes sure you draw it. It takes away from the point of the card.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Drobbit on January 14, 2011, 03:24:53 pm
Yeah, that reminded me why I went throught the actual option :D
I see a lot of utilities for this card. In a rainbow deck you can almost forget about puting creatures into your deck, you can play with the opponent ones. And if you have some of this in play... well, imagine.

Maybe I'll just low the cost as says Kuroaitou. I can't figure how to improve this card.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Drobbit on January 25, 2011, 10:42:51 am
Cost lowed and image changed (I hope I finally get it).
For a theme pourpose I added the title of the ability (Stand by for boarding!), because I think that explains the meaning of the card. I pretended, for my pirate series, to figure that both me and the opponent are ships and the creatures are the mariners/pirates in that ships. This card is like a boarding card that aproaches both ships to kidnap some creatures (in a copy aether way).
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Kuroaitou on January 25, 2011, 11:24:44 pm
-After careful research, the art that you used had this as its main source (Use this link in the ART section of the table): http://www.fondosgratis.com.mx/items/3d/vehiculos/2828_carabelas-en-combate/
-*Please try to keep the ability name simple. Remove the exclamation mark from the ability name (i.e. - rename it to something more appropriate, like "Aboard", or even "Fishing"

* = suggestion
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: Drobbit on January 26, 2011, 10:36:16 am
Changes done.
I preffered not to change the ability name, because it is part of the thematic. I used the same style in other cards like Pirate Ship or Pirate Island.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: QuantumT on January 26, 2011, 10:52:43 am
The issue this seems to have over mind gate is that the only way to get the quanta to play the creature is to generate it yourself. So unless you're a rainbow, you won't be able to play the creatures from 10 of the 12 elements.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: YoYoBro on January 26, 2011, 08:21:01 pm
This looks fun and interesting, although a bit limited (since there could be a high chance of getting a creature you can't use). But who knows.
Title: Re: Seven Seas | Seven Seas
Post by: vrt on February 09, 2011, 03:50:47 pm
I can't track back the image to its original owner, but considering the fact that the website hosts a multitude of images that are already in exclusive print-/ redistribution licences, I'm doubting whether it obtains its submissions in a legal fashion. I would highly recommend using different card art.