I'm still not sure where I stand on this card I definitely like the idea I'm just not so sure on how it's applied I think you'd just need to address some of the isues with the card.
Which is exactly why I asked for everyone's thoughts, I agree that the idea definitely needs some work, I'm just not quite sure how to rework it.
Personally, I think Sapling should be left as it is (or perhaps with a higher cost, probably 8

) so that it bridges that gap between cockatrice and dragons, but makes them that little bit worse than dragons due to it losing attack.
But certainly, the Elder Tree needs work. I do like sniperbob613's idea to give the Elder Tree more attack though, but that only gives it 5 turns to live - perhaps 5|7 for 9

I'd also like to ask if the artwork is yours (no offence) but I don't think it is seeing as you haven't marked it so this paired with some awesome artwork could make a nice addition to the game.
You're right, the artwork isn't mine. I just got the images from google. The Sapling is a stock photo and the Elder Tree isn't credited