Cool.. just clearing it up... I'm a little concerned about abuse with Sky Blitz and SoFr
Other than that it seems like a good deal.
... Of course those two are pretty ugly... consider:
At maximum you could get x2x2x1.5x1.5=potential 9x damage on a pair (if SoFr triggers on both)...
serious OTK pwnage there...
If the have and use dive that could go up to either x18 or even x36 on the pair (depending on if dive procs on both when used on one).
So for a pair of entangled wyrms, you would get 2 x3 x36 = 216 damage in a single turn with SoFr and Blitz plus double dive.
This takes 5 cards, and 2 rounds ... but the otk part really only takes 3 since a pair of wyrms, while annoying, generally isn't that conspicuous.
I love a good FG hunter and all, but that could cause some serious issues with metagame
I see what you mean.
There is a way to reduce this risk, but it would also mean an overall nerf to the card. This would be:
Triggered effects that automatically affect the creature using them dont't proc for the other entangled creature. This would cut out Dive, Scavenger, Lycanthropy, Armagios' GP, Ablaze, Devour, Burrow, Evolve, Growth, Divine shield, Steam, Hatch, Deja Vu, Stone Form, and maybe some more I forgot (With Plague the auto-effect avoided by the other creature is death, but the poison counter should still affect it if it's on the opposite side).
In other words, if something is triggered by an entangled creature, it only affects both if one of the two is targeted. For example, a Fire Nymph using Rage on itself or on the other creature, (Endow would work too, because targeting is involved).
This might not be a very elegant solution, but it could reduce the 216 damage to 108 max (for upgraded wyrms it reaches 180 though).
On a side note, the massive damage would only happen if the SoFr triggers on both... There's a probability of about 6,3 % that this happens (1 out of 16 times), a 37,5 % chance of doing 72 damage (120 for upped) and 56,5 % of doing 48 (80 upped).
This softens the punishment a bit, though it still is something to fear. Besides, doing it 2 times in a row would not be easy (you need another Sky blitz and at least 12

in the next turn). And let's not forget that you have to make sure that the entanglement is made between your two air diving creatures. If there are other creatures in either field, your chances of pulling out the combo drop even more.
I'd like to hear more opinions. Does this tactic make the card OP? Is the suggested modification too big of a nerf? Is the card OK as it is?