I thought SoR only removed it on creatures?
I thought SoR only removed it on creatures?
Seriously? But no, it works on any creature.
Here is the card text for Shard of Readiness.
I just checked it by looking at one from my EtG account directly, so I know its accurate:
"The target creature's skill cost is now 0.
creatures can use their skill twice this turn."
Unless the wording is wrong, the instant skill use (which is part of the "twice this turn" clause) only affects time creatures.
I will verify this presently.Verified. The instant use clause only affects time creatures.
Non-Time creatures simply get their skill cost set to 0.
Thus, this creature cannot be used instantly since it is not a time creature.
On a different note,
The sky-blitz combo could indeed be powerful, however, I do not think it will be much worse than the present PU-Dive-Blitz combos.
The caveat would be if you had many of these in play at once and are able to compound them.
With that in mind, I think this ability should only be useable once per creature per turn. That should keep it balanced w.r.t. the above combo.
On a final note:
Drake_XIV, If you would like, I'm thinking of reworking the upgraded version of defensive stance. If you want, you can use its artwork for this card:
I can rework the art to fit a fire card's background pretty easily I think. Let me know if you would like that.
Best of luck in the polls on this one. I like it alot.