I think he means abilities that appear under the card, ones vulnerable to lobotomize. Devourer, Poisonous, etc. would be restored.
What about making this a permanent? I realize it's already in the Crucible and being voted upon, but as a spell it's kind of lackluster. It's an extra card in your deck to save a creature, when you could just pack more creatures and play them without relying on your opponent to kill your creatures first. If it's a indefinite-duration, infinite-charge permanent, then it acts as a failsafe for your creatures. Couple that with Angels and you have a very stable creature setup. Since it's not bringing things back at full attack every time, the opponent can still whittle you down... just be careful you don't play this against an Otyugh.
Here's how this would work as a permanent with a Golden Dragon:
10|10 Dragon is played, killed
5|1 Dragon returns to life, killed again
2|1 Mini-Dragon returns to die again
1|1 Cool-Looking Photon says "yay, here I go, watch me!"
They couldn't stack like Boneyards, of course. But even Pegasus/Blessing decks would get good mileage out of this if it was a permanent. I've always thought one of Light's themes was stable creatures (I mean, Archangel?), and this would add to that greatly.