With this card, why would you ever use pillars?
Six of these, six lycanthropes, and a dark mark make for the most brutal rush deck ever.
You're right.
But I am
also right if I say "With nova, why would I ever use pillars, 2forestspirit 2deflag, 2lycantropes, 2graboid, 2solarshield, 2gravitypull, 2... (and entropymark If supernova) make for the most brutal (already existing) rush'n'control deck ever" With Nova i have
even more possibilites! And
its free to cast!
I would use firerush to ragepotion my guardianangels, consuming 2 lightquanta! Duo and trio decks... not mono.
Rainbow is overpowered in my opinion.
Its the theme of the card that I'd have a problem with.
Well... then you should write something in the storyline section of the wiki. In my opinion we are discussing quantum mechanics here.
Look at it that way: Why the hell is it "Graviton Fire Eater"? Because Zanz chose it... at random. It could be dark(
) waterdrinker(
) or godly (
) experience gainer (
) as well... The gameplay has NOTHING to do with the Theme.
The only place where someone could say it is out of Theme nobody seems to complain!! What is the logic of Quantumpillars? Who are you if you create quantum pillars? Randomness? No thats Entropy already. God of the Gods? Well rainbow is overpowered so maybe yes.
But your opinions about the theme in itself are cool I must admit.
Why is the value of 3 important? You could choose every number of gained number as long as you would increase the cost of the card. The important value is the number of quanta, you really gained by the card.
That's why the increasing of the cost or the decreasing the amount of gained quanta have a similar effect. You reduces amount of the finally gained quanta.
Imagine it that way: you want a netto plus of 1. If you make the card cost 12 random quanta and produce 13 light quanta: Nova+lightrush=Lightdragon. Nova+aetherrush=Phasedragon. PWN. Then (and only then) it would be overpowered. I think 3for2 is just perfect.
If it was gain of 4, It should cost 4 random. If it was gain of 5 it should cost 6 or 7 random you see?
But when you're increasing the costs of the card, the card will be played later in the game and lose in my eyes more of her impact in the game as it would be with decreased quanta gain.
You're right... that too.