Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: ZephyrPhantom on January 31, 2011, 04:05:29 pm

Title: Phantom Knight | Phantom Knight
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on January 31, 2011, 04:05:29 pm
Phantom Knight
4  :aether
3 | 3
All damage taken by Phantom Knight gets reduced to 1.
Phantom Knight
4  :aether
4 | 4
All damage taken by Phantom Knight gets reduced to 1.
spartsam at http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1113081 , Edited by Zblader
If poisoned, it only takes 1 damage per turn regardless of the amount of poison on it. Ability is active.
Title: Re: Phantom Knight | Phantom Knight
Post by: LongDono on January 31, 2011, 04:48:42 pm
OH wow, nice card! I really like this idea.
I do feel that gravi pull and BB might be a bit much though... Maybe I have not thought about it much.
Title: Re: Phantom Knight | Phantom Knight
Post by: YoYoBro on January 31, 2011, 06:06:50 pm
Interesting card concept, but I feel the mechanic doesn't fit aether that much. More earth, maybe? Aether is elusion, not reduction, IMHO.
Title: Re: Phantom Knight | Phantom Knight
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on January 31, 2011, 06:26:04 pm
Interesting card concept, but I feel the mechanic doesn't fit aether that much. More earth, maybe? Aether is elusion, not reduction, IMHO.
Aether is the element of immaterial things, and in a sense this card is meant to be partially immaterial - sort of existant in our world, but also in another dimension at the same time. Since this creature is partially material, it's still affected by spells and damage effects - but not as much as a fully material creature would.
Title: Re: Phantom Knight | Phantom Knight
Post by: rohlfo on January 31, 2011, 07:03:15 pm
I like it  :)
With a ghosty name it could even be  :death or  :darkness.
But I do think it fits  :aether best - looking at immaterial creatures/avoiding damage etc
Title: Re: Phantom Knight | Phantom Knight
Post by: Agroagro on February 16, 2011, 07:48:39 am
Reminds me of this old bad boy

Title: Re: Phantom Knight | Phantom Knight
Post by: Vara on March 04, 2011, 09:08:43 pm
I don't really get the point of this card. It doesn't have awesome HP or attack. It protects it's HP a little bit, but who cares about protection if aether has imortality? We could simply use the Immortal if we wanted protected creatures. If we didn't, we could use phase recluse for some fast damage.

Aether doesn't really need this. Perhaps an other element like time might make use of this. (Will need another name though)
Title: Re: Phantom Knight | Phantom Knight
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 05, 2011, 05:52:33 pm
I don't really get the point of this card. It doesn't have awesome HP or attack. It protects it's HP a little bit, but who cares about protection if aether has imortality? We could simply use the Immortal if we wanted protected creatures. If we didn't, we could use phase recluse for some fast damage.

Aether doesn't really need this. Perhaps an other element like time might make use of this. (Will need another name though)
Remember, all damage received becomes 1. Combine this combo with a HP-boosting card (most likely BB) or a healer and you can possibly block a lot of damage.  It also ignores any poison above 1, making it less vulnerable and possibly superior when dealing with poison compared to other :aether creatures.