Do I understand well and this card allows
6x Nova
6x Hyperdrive
18x any dragon or other powerful expensive creature
decks that can play 4-6x dragons on turn one, winning on turn two or at worst three consistently?
(Throw in 2-3 Liquid Shadows if necessary to get back spent life and play another ton of dragons when you draw another nova+hyperdrive...not that you'll ever need that)
By the way, this isn't supposed to drain any life when using Miracle. Miracle drains your quanta pool, which is empty. Miracle doesn't says you have to PAY all your quanta, it just removes it, and even if it does, you don't have any. Besides, Overdrive says you can use life to pay for Quanta COSTS. Draining quanta by Miracle or Fractal is not a cost, it is an effect of the card.
But all of that doesn't matter when I can win on turn two 90% of the time.
Add this card and we'll finally have a false god farmer deck that wins over 90% of the time and doesn't take too long to play games either...but limit it to be usable against false gods only

Ok, joking...this card is the most overpowered you can make in a card game like this, right after the "pay 1 life : draw a card" one. This was overpowered even in a game with a starting life of 20, and here we have 100.