Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 03:48:16 am

Title: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 03:48:16 am
This card is an entry to the Epic 3 Cards Challenge. It is also one of my Advanced Spell series; in fact, it is the most powerful Advanced Spell of them all.

All your quanta are consumed. For this turn only, you can use your HP to pay for quanta costs.
Stock Photo, heavily edited
All your quanta are consumed. For this turn only, you can use your HP to pay for quanta costs.
Stock Photo, heavily edited
NOTES: [/color][/b]
For example, if you play a Black Dragon after using this card, you would lose 10 HP.
Using another Advanced Spell will instantly kill you, because if HP is used to pay quanta costs, Miracle would drain all your HP before healing you.
Using a Bolt will deal its basic damage, because this states that HP is used to PAY for quanta, instead of HP is treated AS quanta. Therefore, Fire Bolt will think that you have zero :fire after using Overdrive.
Rustler can be spammed. Yes, you can convert all your HP into :life. The only useful thing about doing this is halving the HP cost of Life creatures, since 1 HP = :life :life.
SERIES: [/color][/b]
Advanced Spells (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5696.0.html)
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Kurohami on May 01, 2010, 03:51:56 am
cost 30 quanta? That's a joke right?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 03:52:50 am
cost 30 quanta? That's a joke right?
Cost can be varied. For a card like this I'm willing to accept even a 100 quanta cost.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Glitch on May 01, 2010, 03:54:43 am
Dude.  Two novas will pay for this.

There isn't a single quanta cost that would ever balance this.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Kameda on May 01, 2010, 03:56:00 am
30 quantum is not this much to be able to use anything in your hand no matter the element and the total cost. This with Fractal could be awesome.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Glitch on May 01, 2010, 03:57:15 am
This card breaks the whole "costs all your quanta" thing.  Another excellent point.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 03:57:59 am
Two Novas is 24 quanta. A Supernova is 22 quanta.

Also, this card has to be a rare. I know being rare doesn't justify for being OP, but it is rare nonetheless.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Glitch on May 01, 2010, 03:59:20 am
Alright, I apologize.  I meant two supernovas.

And being rare is fair, because you can't win it off spins.  If this card is played, you lose.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 04:02:44 am
This is not an autowin card. The most broken situation is probably 1 Ruby Dragon, 6 Fractal, and 1 Hyperdrive... But for decks that are not dragon speed decks, it's not so bad.

Yeah, this card would be as rare as Nymphs.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Glitch on May 01, 2010, 04:05:31 am
This is too an autowin card!
12 x Entropy Pillar
6 x Super Nova
4 x Overdrive
4 x Fractal

Congratulations my good man, you win.  Just pick anything with 5 attack or more, like frogs, cocktrice, dragons, nymphs, and a ridiculous amount of other cards.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 04:10:48 am
But surely one copy of this card in your deck would not be game-breaking? Remember, this is as rare as Nymphs.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: xdude on May 01, 2010, 10:20:11 am
But surely one copy of this card in your deck would not be game-breaking? Remember, this is as rare as Nymphs.
Rarity isn't a balance factor, so stop repeating this. OP card is OP.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Arondight on May 01, 2010, 12:27:55 pm
I have to agree with xdude. Eventually people will get this card, not everyone. When that happens, they'll have an edge over other people because of RNG/luck or what have you. Overpowered card is OP.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: icybraker on May 01, 2010, 12:33:58 pm
Stock Photo, heavily edited
I lol'd!

cost 30 quanta? That's a joke right?
Cost can be varied. For a card like this I'm willing to accept even a 100 quanta cost.
Considering how everyone is yelling that it is OP, this is probably the only way to balance it. :) But seriously, increasing the cost will help.
Unupped cost: 50 (Just outside the reach of 2 Novas)
Upped cost: 45 (Just within the reach of 2 Novas)

How 'bout it?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Glitch on May 01, 2010, 01:52:59 pm
Sorry, still no icy.

This just stacks too well with rustler.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: acelink on May 01, 2010, 05:25:17 pm
You can't make a card that basically gives wins you the match.  It is an unfair advantage to those that get the card...  Nymphs are not overpowering standalone cards (cept maybe gravity nymph).  They have a high cost to compensate for how good they really are... Air nymph is orgasmic. 

Another issue is colorless quanta.  It is impossible to balance a card when it can use all quanta.  Nova bam... +12 quanta. Supernova +22.  Immolate +18.  Cremate +20.  There is little you can do to compensate that quanta gain.

I would really suggest giving up on this card idea and creating a new one.  You are trying to force the current card to fit and it is not going to happen.  Sure you may win a few extra votes with this card but in the wrong way...

This is too an autowin card!
12 x Entropy Pillar
6 x Super Nova
4 x Overdrive
4 x Fractal

Congratulations my good man, you win.  Just pick anything with 5 attack or more, like frogs, cocktrice, dragons, nymphs, and a ridiculous amount of other cards.
I would go a little different build.
6x Supernova
6x Precog
6x Fractal
4x Hyperdrive
5x*ANY* dragon
3x Miracle

Sure a devourer has the chance to screw you early but 2 supernovas and you are up and going.

Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: icybraker on May 01, 2010, 05:27:50 pm
Sorry, still no icy.

This just stacks too well with rustler.
I was thinking Quantum Towers.

I think it's fine, but none of us can know for certain without playtesting. Think about it - a Golem deck can win in 4 turns. This isn't nearly fast enough. Sure, there are lots of counters to Golem decks, but there are lots of counters to this, too. Just get a Shield out . Or a Sundial. Or increase your max HP. Or use Devourers.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Glitch on May 01, 2010, 05:30:31 pm
Well, with rustler, you gain an INFINITE amount of quanta each turn.  This means no matter how expensive you make the card, you can still chain these with relative ease.  Then just take a couple electrum hour glasses, and maybe fire dragons or something.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Thalas on May 01, 2010, 05:32:55 pm
I don't want see cards that costs 20+, I want cards that are cheap and weak. and It's OP
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Wisemage on May 01, 2010, 05:55:56 pm
Well, with rustler, you gain an INFINITE amount of quanta each turn.  This means no matter how expensive you make the card, you can still chain these with relative ease.  Then just take a couple electrum hour glasses, and maybe fire dragons or something.
You are misreading the OP.

Int he notes he clearly says Leaf dragon (rustler) would he ONE free conversion, not infinite.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: killfer8 on May 01, 2010, 06:05:23 pm
how much damage Siphon life would deal? or fire lance?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 07:04:52 pm
how much damage Siphon life would deal? or fire lance?
Three. You have zero :fire after using Overdrive.

Guys, I've thought of a way to balance this:

This card now allows you to use your HP to pay for quanta costs. All your quanta is still consumed, though. Now you would think twice before massively fractal-spamming dragons.

However, if the above is true, then:
Using another Advanced Spell will instantly kill you, because if HP is used to pay quanta costs, Miracle would drain all your HP before healing you.
Using a Bolt will deal its basic damage, because this states that HP is used to PAY for quanta, instead of HP is treated AS quanta. Therefore, Fire Bolt will still think that you have zero :fire after using Overdrive.
Rustler can be spammed. Yes, you can convert all your HP into :life. The only useful thing about doing this is halving the HP cost of Life creatures, since 1 HP = :life :life.

Is this balanced now?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Wardead on May 01, 2010, 07:10:05 pm
Nice topic.

Are u ready for PVP?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 07:17:12 pm
Card is now updated. I imagine that it would be a LOT less OP now.

With this nerf, this card probably wouldn't need to be as rare as Nymphs now.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: icybraker on May 01, 2010, 07:34:32 pm

It's weak now. :)

Yeah, it shouldn't be that rare now; it can be Miracle-level rare. Now, I think it costs too much. 24 unupped and 20 upped sounds about right. No more Fractal Ruby Dragon without risking your health. I guess Ruby Dragon + Fractal is still viable if you play a Phase Shield on the same turn.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 07:39:16 pm

It's weak now. :)

Yeah, it shouldn't be that rare now; it can be Miracle-level rare. Now, I think it costs too much. 24 unupped and 20 upped sounds about right. No more Fractal Ruby Dragon without risking your health. I guess Ruby Dragon + Fractal is still viable if you play a Phase Shield on the same turn.
But that way two Novas or a single Supernova would be able to cast it. I still don't like the sound of that.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: icybraker on May 01, 2010, 07:41:56 pm
Wowzers! You're right!

It still deserves a consolation prize of some sort, I think. How about it heals you a bit in preparation for your HP loss? Or something?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 01, 2010, 07:50:35 pm
Why not just use healing cards? Heal uses 3 HP to heal for 20 HP after using Overdrive.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: acelink on May 02, 2010, 04:00:10 am
You are still trying to force the card to work.

I don't see Overdrive/Hyperdrive fitting into the elements world. 
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 02, 2010, 04:18:47 am
You are still trying to force the card to work.

I don't see Overdrive/Hyperdrive fitting into the elements world.
That would be your own opinion. By your definition, what does it mean to "fit into the Elements world"?

Right now the card seems pretty balanced to me. Use it and rush out your entire hand, at the cost of your own HP. How does that not fit?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Arondight on May 02, 2010, 04:26:12 am
With the changes, it seems pretty fun now. But, not so much fun when you can replenish your "quanta" supply with Miracles. I would use a Fractal deck without any Aether Towers if this card was around, still. I think it needs more work, but it's gotten better. Why not add "You can't be healed for the rest of the turn after you use this card"? Still, though, something of this caliber should be really rare.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 02, 2010, 04:38:40 am
With the changes, it seems pretty fun now. But, not so much fun when you can replenish your "quanta" supply with Miracles. I would use a Fractal deck without any Aether Towers if this card was around, still. I think it needs more work, but it's gotten better. Why not add "You can't be healed for the rest of the turn after you use this card"? Still, though, something of this caliber should be really rare.
You use Fractal, it consumes all your HP and you die. Same with Miracle. After using Overdrive, anything that consumes quanta will consume HP instead for that turn.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Arondight on May 02, 2010, 04:42:21 am
Oh, weird, don't see much use for the card, then, sadly.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Kael Hate on May 09, 2010, 02:31:25 pm
- Current version of the card appears extremely weak. I can see little or no use for the card. Can you give a deck example where you would use this?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 10, 2010, 04:01:56 am
- Current version of the card appears extremely weak. I can see little or no use for the card. Can you give a deck example where you would use this?
How about lowering the card cost to 15/12 random quanta? Is that too overpowered?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 14, 2010, 03:54:08 am
Cost is now changed to 15/12.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: $$$man on May 14, 2010, 09:44:56 pm
you could basically super grow any growth creature.
lava golem+this= :o
at the cost of 17 hp(one heal equivalent) you could hava a 41/35(i think) creature
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: dekskose on May 14, 2010, 10:36:34 pm
- Current version of the card appears extremely weak. I can see little or no use for the card. Can you give a deck example where you would use this?
well i got a idea playing
before you play over drive fratal 2 times on  rol play emphatic bond and hope  then use overdrive and heal yourself while you can play golden dragons
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 15, 2010, 12:12:10 am
you could basically super grow any growth creature.
lava golem+this= :o
at the cost of 17 hp(one heal equivalent) you could hava a 41/35(i think) creature
What? Did you assume that you are allowed to use creature abilities multiple times per turn while under Overdrive? That's not how it works. You can only grow your Golem once per turn even if you have 100 :earth.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Essence on May 15, 2010, 12:12:58 am
You guys are looking at this all wrong.

You cast a creature, Fractal it, and THEN Hyperdrive for all the quanta needed to cast the rest of the expensive creatures in your hand.

Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 15, 2010, 01:02:09 am
You guys are looking at this all wrong.

You cast a creature, Fractal it, and THEN Hyperdrive for all the quanta needed to cast the rest of the expensive creatures in your hand.

You'd better make sure that you don't kill yourself while playing all those Fractal'd dragons.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: $$$man on May 15, 2010, 03:21:44 am
you could basically super grow any growth creature.
lava golem+this= :o
at the cost of 17 hp(one heal equivalent) you could hava a 41/35(i think) creature
What? Did you assume that you are allowed to use creature abilities multiple times per turn while under Overdrive? That's not how it works. You can only grow your Golem once per turn even if you have 100 :earth.
Good God Im an idiot
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Olidot on May 21, 2010, 06:20:59 pm
Would Miracle kill you while using this, or heal you to 99???
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: dekskose on May 21, 2010, 07:49:16 pm
Would Miracle kill you while using this, or heal you to 99???
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on May 22, 2010, 03:21:31 am
Would Miracle kill you while using this, or heal you to 99???
That. It drains all your HP first before healing you.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Avenger on May 29, 2010, 06:25:10 pm
Wouldn't playing a fractal with this would instantly kill you?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: ItzSean on May 29, 2010, 06:58:13 pm
Wouldn't playing a fractal with this would instantly kill you?

Which is why you fractal something THEN use overdrive. :)
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: dekskose on June 01, 2010, 08:15:52 pm
You guys are looking at this all wrong.

You cast a creature, Fractal it, and THEN Hyperdrive for all the quanta needed to cast the rest of the expensive creatures in your hand.

You'd better make sure that you don't kill yourself while playing all those Fractal'd dragons.
well now lets just see this fractal ruby dragon 7 ruby dragons+one  overdrive now play over drive now you need to play 7dxragons still 30life and your opponents dead
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 14, 2010, 03:16:13 pm
I don't understand why Fire Bolt does only 3 damage, but fractal consumes your life.

If HP are considered quanta, then fire bolt should be OVER 9000!
If they are not, fractal just consumes its 9/8 quanta.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: finkel on June 14, 2010, 04:43:48 pm
This card allows you to use your HP to pay for quanta costs. Bolts and Lances cost very little quanta, and take into consideration how much quanta of a specific element you have. Hyperdrive doesn't allow you to use your hp as a replacement for any element under cards that target a specific quanta. Seriously, there's you way you could misconstrue this card as doing that.

Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 14, 2010, 06:08:19 pm
This card allows you to use your HP to pay for quanta costs. Bolts and Lances cost very little quanta, and take into consideration how much quanta of a specific element you have. Hyperdrive doesn't allow you to use your hp as a replacement for any element under cards that target a specific quanta. Seriously, there's you way you could misconstrue this card as doing that.
The fractal cost is 9 aether quanta. The effect remove all  :aether quanta, is an effect, and not a cost. If it removes all the left hp as they were quanta, so should them count as an unlimited amount of quanta for firebolt-icebolt-siphonlife
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 14, 2010, 08:45:30 pm
I see the quanta-draining effect of all Advanced Spells as costs.

When quanta is used, HP is used instead. Bolts don't actually use quanta (except the cost), and that's why you can't use HP as quanta for Fire Bolt.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 14, 2010, 08:49:16 pm
I see the quanta-draining effect of all Advanced Spells as costs.

When quanta is used, HP is used instead. Bolts don't actually use quanta (except the cost), and that's why you can't use HP as quanta for Fire Bolt.
Cost is 9/8. Otherwise you could play fractal with no  :aether quanta. And bolts don't use quanta, but, if the HP can be used as quanta, they are quanta. So they'd do unlimited damage.

(The real problem is: why with Fractal and not with Bolts?)
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 14, 2010, 08:57:02 pm
HP can be used as quanta, but they're not equivalent to quanta.

The cost for Fractal is 9+infinity / 8+infinity.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 15, 2010, 05:57:29 pm
HP can be used as quanta, but they're not equivalent to quanta.

The cost for Fractal is 9+infinity / 8+infinity.
The cost for Fractal is 9
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: miniwally on June 15, 2010, 06:06:30 pm
HP can be used as quanta, but they're not equivalent to quanta.

The cost for Fractal is 9+infinity / 8+infinity.
The cost for Fractal is 9
If it only costs 9 then how come when I have 15 quanta it reduces it too 0 quanta I think that BS's way of saying it is a lot better of yours otherwise I wouldn't lose the whole 15 just 9 of it, I don't know if you think there's a better way of explainng the extra quanta cost but I think BS's way of explaining it is better.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 16, 2010, 10:29:02 am
HP can be used as quanta, but they're not equivalent to quanta.

The cost for Fractal is 9+infinity / 8+infinity.
The cost for Fractal is 9
If it only costs 9 then how come when I have 15 quanta it reduces it too 0 quanta I think that BS's way of saying it is a lot better of yours otherwise I wouldn't lose the whole 15 just 9 of it, I don't know if you think there's a better way of explainng the extra quanta cost but I think BS's way of explaining it is better.
The extra quanta thing is not a cost. The extra quanta thing is an effect of fractal, not the cost
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 16, 2010, 07:34:15 pm
Well, regardless of whether it's a cost or an effects, Fractal still drains all your HP, because your HP is used as quanta. The effect of Fire Bolt doesn't actually drain your quanta, so that's why it doesn't gain additional damage.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Seravy on June 16, 2010, 08:04:28 pm
Do I understand well and this card allows

6x Nova
6x Hyperdrive
18x any dragon or other powerful expensive creature

decks that can play 4-6x dragons on turn one, winning on turn two or at worst three consistently?
(Throw in 2-3 Liquid Shadows if necessary to get back spent life and play another ton of dragons when you draw another nova+hyperdrive...not that you'll ever need that)

By the way, this isn't supposed to drain any life when using Miracle. Miracle drains your quanta pool, which is empty. Miracle doesn't says you have to PAY all your quanta, it just removes it, and even if it does, you don't have any. Besides, Overdrive says you can use life to pay for Quanta COSTS. Draining quanta by Miracle or Fractal is not a cost, it is an effect of the card.

But all of that doesn't matter when I can win on turn two 90% of the time.
Add this card and we'll finally have a false god farmer deck that wins over 90% of the time and doesn't take too long to play games either...but limit it to be usable against false gods only :P
Ok, joking...this card is the most overpowered you can make in a card game like this, right after the "pay 1 life : draw a card" one. This was overpowered even in a game with a starting life of 20, and here we have 100.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 16, 2010, 08:48:16 pm
It's overpowered now? This used to have a cost of 30/25, and it was weak. Should I raise the cost then?

By the way, this isn't supposed to drain any life when using Miracle. Miracle drains your quanta pool, which is empty. Miracle doesn't says you have to PAY all your quanta, it just removes it, and even if it does, you don't have any. Besides, Overdrive says you can use life to pay for Quanta COSTS. Draining quanta by Miracle or Fractal is not a cost, it is an effect of the card.
As I said before, HP can be substituted for quanta whenever quanta is deducted. Miracle deducts your quanta, so it deducts your HP; Fire Bolt doesn't. I'm tired of debating about this; I want it this way, and it's not going to be changed.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 16, 2010, 09:16:02 pm
Well, regardless of whether it's a cost or an effects, Fractal still drains all your HP, because your HP is used as quanta. The effect of Fire Bolt doesn't actually drain your quanta, so that's why it doesn't gain additional damage.
The card says that HP can be used for paying COST and not EFFECT.

If they are used to pay effect, they count for bolts, too.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 16, 2010, 09:43:24 pm
The card says that HP can be used for paying COST and not EFFECT.

If they are used to pay effect, they count for bolts, too.
But for effects they're still paid. For Fire Bolt it does not pay any quanta except the casting cost.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: RavingRabbid on June 16, 2010, 09:54:35 pm
The card says that HP can be used for paying COST and not EFFECT.

If they are used to pay effect, they count for bolts, too.
But for effects they're still paid. For Fire Bolt it does not pay any quanta except the casting cost.
If they are paid, they are quanta. So they count for Fire Bolt.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 16, 2010, 10:06:55 pm
HP is a substitute for quanta. It can be used to pay for Advanced Spells, but bolts require actual quanta to work.

Can you please stop now? I don't want this to affect Fire Bolt because I don't want Overdrive to be an instant 100 quanta card for the bolts.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: finkel on June 17, 2010, 02:55:16 am
Trolling Trolls Troll.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Wynden on June 19, 2010, 12:38:44 am
Raving, what BloodShadow is saying is that fire bolt uses FIRE quanta to power itself. There is none in this case.
However, the advanced spells drain all the quanta of an element.
Even though in a sense you are right about that, it is, all in all, an ADVANCED spell, and should be treated accordingly. If it makes you feel any better, a note could probably be placed on Overdrive stating this as an aftereffect as well.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Zeru on July 05, 2010, 04:01:34 pm
Actually, this card could resurrect time rainbows. Those are good at healing, but lack the speed. This could change it.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Drawckab on August 05, 2010, 06:50:55 pm
What did this card say before the change to charge you HP for quanta costs?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on August 05, 2010, 07:14:40 pm
What did this card say before the change to charge you HP for quanta costs?
For 1 turn you can play everything for free. Basically an instant win card combined with Fractal.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: finkel on August 07, 2010, 12:43:11 am
With rustler, you could sacrifice 50 health for 100 :life. That doesn't sound good to me.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: gamer1224 on August 16, 2010, 02:17:46 am
Maybe this could be reworked as a permenant that works like SoR?...If the quantum to use the skill isnt available you can drain health to pay for it.  Then the "Drains all quatum" argument would exist...on the other hand you could just have fractual drain all your health for people that try to abuse it.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: DRROXO on August 16, 2010, 02:36:07 am
fractal uses all quanta so u would die if u use it duh thinkk ppl
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: gamer1224 on August 16, 2010, 06:25:52 pm
fractal uses all quanta so u would die if u use it duh thinkk ppl
Lol yep,  I say leave it in and let people learn the hard way.  That card would probably take some engine reworking or some ghetto coding tho. 

I do think some kind of card that gives quatum or replaces the need for it with your health would be a very intresting and effective card for some decks.  This idea should be expanded on.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Dan43 on November 06, 2010, 07:07:07 pm
Hehe I thought of a deck idea already

6 hyperdrives
6 fractals
12 quantum pillars
6 SoG
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Wynden on November 09, 2010, 01:20:55 am
Hehe I thought of a deck idea already

6 hyperdrives
6 fractals
12 quantum pillars
6 SoG
........just a note, but you might want a creature to fractal.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Dan43 on November 09, 2010, 10:03:27 pm
Hehe I thought of a deck idea already

6 hyperdrives
6 fractals
12 quantum pillars
6 SoG
........just a note, but you might want a creature to fractal.
fractal enemy creatures?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: miniwally on November 10, 2010, 05:01:28 pm
Hehe I thought of a deck idea already

6 hyperdrives
6 fractals
12 quantum pillars
6 SoG
Fractal would kill you, any cards which consume all quanta consume all life, if you read the notes you'd know this.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Bloodshadow on November 11, 2010, 04:42:39 am
Fractal would kill you, any cards which consume all quanta consume all life, if you read the notes you'd know this.
The card disallows the usage of Advanced Spells. People will complain if they actually died after using Fractal, so I might as well disallow it. The game will probably say "you can't use this else you'll die" or something like that.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: miniwally on November 12, 2010, 09:37:29 pm
Fractal would kill you, any cards which consume all quanta consume all life, if you read the notes you'd know this.
The card disallows the usage of Advanced Spells. People will complain if they actually died after using Fractal, so I might as well disallow it. The game will probably say "you can't use this else you'll die" or something like that.
I can't see why people can't see why it'd remove all your life though as people were complaining about earlier in this thread.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: 991woot119 on December 19, 2010, 10:06:34 am
remember this uses ALL your quanta meaning say yo get it in the fifth hand with a fire/earth rush deck this will cost you around 30 if you get it late with a rainbow deck it could cost over 100 quanta! (upped AND unupped)
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Seiya on February 28, 2011, 02:13:17 am
I'm not completely sure why this is useful.  You use all of your quanta for the ability to decrease your HP in order to simply pay for some cards.  What cards could be worth all of your quanta and some of your HP?

Also, the unupped needs a new name with the addition of Acceleration | Overdrive.
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: parkerdan on July 05, 2011, 09:42:01 pm
dude, this is a bad card, but not at all because of the concept, but because if zanzarino updates this card into the game, would the design of the card mean the effect comes first and then the quanta cost??? because that would just kill you then. not a bad card, but if it gets implemented that way, definitely a bad card. but besides that, I see no problems at all.  :D EDIT: lol I know that it wasn't going to be implemented that way was just saying it would be VERY lolsy if it got implemented that way, lol and just a idea, this would seem to be a cool card if a god uses this card, a god of earth, but he uses stone skin when he gets to like 100 or less health. :)
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Smurrf on July 05, 2011, 11:14:27 pm
Happens in order.  All quanta are drained, THEN you start using HP for cards.

My only fault would be in cards such as Drain Life & Fire Bolt...how would those work?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: ddevans96 on July 05, 2011, 11:16:56 pm
Is reading the notes so difficult?
Title: Re: Overdrive | Hyperdrive
Post by: Smurrf on July 06, 2011, 12:28:08 am
Apparently, yes.  =P