I've een messing around with this card in serprex's openEtG and it works quite well. However, as he noticed, the upped is just a tad underpowered. Gameplay is fantastic though, and the unupped is perfectly balanced. The first game I played, I played five of these cards and realised that I was getting less and less

quanta (only 6 pillars) and my opponent (whose deck was a duo including

) played the Ouija cards too.
The idea of obsession for the upped card looks great; however, I have two doubts:
However, wouldn't it be a bit clogged? I mean, there's already quite a lot of text.
(card description). It does not fit.
-- OP agains mono-decks?? I mean, playing these obsessed Ouija Powers agains a mono-Life or mono-Aether or mono-Whatever would be devastating!, bearing in mind that you don't add the cards once, but EVERY TIME THAT A CREATURE DIES, PER EACH OUIJA POWER YOU CONTROL. So if you have two Ouija Powers and two creatures die, that's 4 spaces in your opponent's hand that you've already disabled, damaging him if he discards them.