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Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: odideph on August 06, 2012, 07:19:57 pm

Title: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 06, 2012, 07:19:57 pm
2 :darkness

For 4 turns, your enemy can't see any status about target creature or permanent.
Can target untargetable.
1 :darkness

For 5 turns, your enemy can't see any status about target creature, permanent, or player.
Can target untargetable.

What does "can't see any status" mean exactly?: Your enemy only sees the picture and name of the target:

1) If it's a creature, he doesn't see or hear its HP, ATK, momentum/adrenaline/immaterial/frozen/gravity pull statuses. As long as the creature doesn't die, he has no idea if it even attacks, if anything is damaging it, etc...

2) If it's a permanent, he can't find out if it's immaterial without targeting it with something. More importantly, he doesn't know how many charges remain on a Bone Wall for example.

3) If the target is a player (refered to as "Obscured player" from here on), the enemy player:
-can't see or hear the inflicting of Purify/Poison/Shard of Sacrifice statuses (however if for example you cast Deadly Poison, he still sees you play that card) on the Obscured player,
-sees the amount of HP of the Obscured player as "???/???", and the colored bars that represents HP (green) and the damage taken next turn (yellow) both disappear.
-If Obscurantism is on the enemy player, he still sees his hand so he can play, but if casted on yourself, the enemy doesn't see the backs of the cards in your hands, instead he sees a dark "?", which means he doesn't know how many cards you have in your hand.
-The enemy also sees the amount of quanta of the Obscured player as "??" (in every element).

Why can it target untargetable things?: The spell doesn't do anything to the target, it effects your enemy, making him unable to see the target clearly. You can hide immaterial things with Cloak, that's basically the same idea.

Example uses:
-Obscuring 3 Voodoo Dolls, then using 3 Rage Potions on 1 of them. You enemy now has to guess which one he must thunderbolt;
-Obscuring yourself so the enemy doesn't know when you have the quanta to play Fractal/Miracle/Skyblitz or an Instosis-like combo;
-On a SoSac user, making it hard for him to estimate if he can survive the 48(40) HP cost;
-On all of your creatures before using Overdrive/Butterfly Effect/Mitosis on one of them;
-On a creature you are about to mutate with Fallen Druid, making the enemy unable to know what stats and ability it will have;
-In a stall deck with Stone Skins, to prevent the enemy from knowing how much you can heal, and how much HP you even have currently;
-Before casting Quintessence on one of your fragile creatures, so the enemy doesn't know which one won't die from his Rain of Fire;
-Before using random spells, like Chaos Power. If the enemy tries to kill a CP'ed creature, he has no idea how much damage he must deal to it;

Counters to this card:
-CC, PC, and such things can still affect obscured entities, it doesn't protect them.
-Math and logical thinking: the enemy can try to keep track of what's happening by paying extra attention to what you play, how many turns have passed etc. Alternatively, not paying attention at all negates the time-consuming effect of trying to keep track.
- :light Sanctuary makes it impossible to cast Obscure directly on a player who owns a Sanctuary. Other obscured things would still be obscured for him.

This card would counter:
- :time Precognition: the "see enemy cards" part.


Pictures of the same situation:
A) with some things Obscured (1 player, 1 stack of permanents, and 1 creature)
B) without Obscure:


Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 06, 2012, 08:28:58 pm
Interesting card, but its too expensive for the effect. Cloak is a much better deal in many ways as it stands now.
Also, why is upped more expensive than unupped? There doesn't seem to be any additional benefit.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 06, 2012, 08:39:44 pm
Interesting card, but its too expensive for the effect. Cloak is a much better deal in many ways as it stands now.
Also, why is upped more expensive than unupped? There doesn't seem to be any additional benefit.
Hmm yeah i've most likely overpriced it. The upped version can target players, which is a huge improvement. It's hard to heal/miracle/sosac in time when you don't even know how much HP you have exactly (and in a similar way, hard to unleash your burst at the right time to finish off the enemy).
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: Zam888 on August 06, 2012, 08:44:42 pm
Interesting card, but its too expensive for the effect. Cloak is a much better deal in many ways as it stands now.
Also, why is upped more expensive than unupped? There doesn't seem to be any additional benefit.
Hmm yeah i've most likely overpriced it. The upped version can target players, which is a huge improvement. It's hard to heal/miracle/sosac in time when you don't even know how much HP you have exactly (and in a similar way, hard to unleash your burst at the right time to finish off the enemy).

To me, it sounds a little too situational to justify a 9 :darkness cost...maybe 6 or 7? But then again, the uses for player targeting that you mentioned are critical moments, normally late into a game, so perhaps the 9 :darkness is reasonable.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 06, 2012, 08:56:55 pm
Given the effect is temporary, single target, and doesn't really offer protection, just makes things harder to analyze, I'd say a pretty low casting cost is in order. Maybe 2 or 3 :darkness .

Alternatively, this may make a very nice eternal spell
(see the thread in design theory: Eternal Spells (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41110.0.html))
E.g. Make it an eternal spell, drop it to one or 2 turn length and give it a 1 or 2 :darkness cost.
...Probably need to add a discard effect as well if there is room.

As an eternal spell this would be very cool I think.

Lastly, there should be some way to dispel the effect... maybe just have it be dispelled like invisible? If this is an eternal, that could be the discard effect.

You could word it as:
"Eternal: Retained after casting
Hide status of target card in play for 2 turns or until this card is discarded."
There should be enough room to add "or player" in the upped version as well.
Just put that it can target immaterials / untargetables in the Notes.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 06, 2012, 10:26:37 pm
Given the effect is temporary, single target, and doesn't really offer protection, just makes things harder to analyze, I'd say a pretty low casting cost is in order. Maybe 2 or 3 :darkness .

Alternatively, this may make a very nice eternal spell [...]

Oh right, eternal spells are an interesting concept, and when designing this card i was initially making the effect permanent. Then i asked myself what the counter should be, since everything is supposed to have a counter (even Platinum arena decks!................they lose HP every day :/).

So instead of complicating things i made it last 5 turns, which is pretty long. But yeah i wanted to make the enemy feel like he's taking random decisions because he can't see sh*t. That effect is currently not really obtained because the enemy will lose correct sight of up to 6 things only, but in the making i realized how powerful it could be on the players themselves, poison counters, growing creatures, etc.

Making it Eternal, with a low-ish duration and a low cost, could allow the initially desired effect, that's right.
I'd like some more opinions on this.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: AnonymousRevival on August 07, 2012, 03:05:21 am
What I find obscure about this is that you use obscure as the card name, which is obscure.

Obscure means 'vague' or 'not clear'. It does not amplify the 'hiding' or 'shadowy' effect.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: Zam888 on August 07, 2012, 03:06:51 am
What I find obscure about this is that you use obscure as the card name, which is obscure.

I see what you did there :P

However, Merriam-Webster does define it as "shrouded in or hidden by darkness"
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: AnonymousRevival on August 07, 2012, 03:16:11 am
Noooooo! Dictionary.com, why have you failed me?
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 07, 2012, 12:20:06 pm
I was expecting that one  ;D any thoughts on the balance and such things though?
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: choongmyoung on August 07, 2012, 12:29:24 pm
Just keep the cost 4 :darkness for the upped one.
9 is huuuuuuge, huuuuuge quanta.
Currently, except for dragon and nymph, there's very few cards absorbing 9+ quanta.
Obscurantism is not worth it.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 07, 2012, 12:54:53 pm
Just keep the cost 4 :darkness for the upped one.
I guess costs likes 2 :darkness (4 upped) should be fine then, because the upped one is alot more powerful than the unupped one, because of player targeting. Unupped cost is similar to Silence, Reverse Time, and upped cost is around Cloak and some shields, should be a good basis?
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: choongmyoung on August 07, 2012, 02:18:19 pm
How will it interact with precognition?
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 07, 2012, 02:43:24 pm
How will it interact with precognition?
If you casted Obscurantism on yourself, and the enemy uses Precognition, he will only draw a card. It would be a counter to Precog (and apparently, the only one).
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 07, 2012, 06:17:26 pm
Doesn't sanctuary block precog? I haven't tried... time to hit the trainer I think

Hmm... I guess it doesn't... I think it should since it is supposed to block hand manipulation effects, but I guess its a point of semantics.

The upped version will definitely have a unique niche then.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 08, 2012, 01:55:10 am
First changes made:
-Players are now targetable with any version.
-Costs dramatically reduced.

While making it eternal was tempting, the fact that having 1 or 2 in your hand would make absolutely no difference (since you can play any of them multiple times) confused me and made the cost balancing harder.
This new version should also be able to fit in non-mono- :darkness decks easily because of the low cost, because let's face it, it wouldn't be very useful without Shards of Sacrifice, Fallen Druids, Accelerations, Chaos Powers, Dune Scorpions, all kinds of cards that require a duo, trio, or :rainbow.

The more i think of it, the more i want to make the effect alot longer (or endless) too, because to mind-game against your enemy about which one of your Dune Scorpions has momentum so he can Thunderbolt it, or which one of your mutants is stealing all his stuff, or which one of the voodo dolls is 18|2 and which one has Butterfly Effect, you need to apply it to at least 2 targets to make any sense. With a max of 6 Obscure in your deck.
Do you guys agree?
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 08, 2012, 03:09:22 pm
It occurs to me that to truly obscure the attack power stat, all creatures / weapons with obscure would have to do attack damage at the same time or be randomized. Otherwise a a clever player may deduce it by paying careful attention to the order in which damage gets dealt.
Still, it has its purposes and with a cost of 1 or 2 it should be worth using.

As an eternal, you could make the duration equal to the number of copies in hand.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 08, 2012, 07:18:18 pm
It occurs to me that to truly obscure the attack power stat, all creatures / weapons with obscure would have to do attack damage at the same time or be randomized. Otherwise a a clever player may deduce it by paying careful attention to the order in which damage gets dealt.
Still, it has its purposes and with a cost of 1 or 2 it should be worth using.

As an eternal, you could make the duration equal to the number of copies in hand.

That's right, let's say it would happen in a random order during the attack, mixed in "clear" attackers.

For the eternal suggestion i'm afraid the text becomes too long.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 08, 2012, 09:19:09 pm
On the basis of feedback from the Idea Guru, Obscure now hides the colored bars that represent player life and estimated damage during next attack, entirely.

Since a picture is often better than a thousand words, i made an example montage in the OP, to clearly show what it should look like. Let me know your impressions.

Also i'll be making the effect last much longer, like either 10 turns or indefinitely, because it doesn't do any direct harm to the enemy: if Obscure lasts so short that said enemy can easily calculate the current statuses of things by the time Obscure ends, it ruins the whole point of the disinformation, ruining the card.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: Elite arbiter on August 09, 2012, 03:39:25 am
Assuming, of course, that you did not intend for the water and fire quanta pools to still have the bar. Because that gives an idea of which has quanta and which do not, and a vague idea of how much.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 09, 2012, 09:25:22 am
Assuming, of course, that you did not intend for the water and fire quanta pools to still have the bar. Because that gives an idea of which has quanta and which do not, and a vague idea of how much.
I was wondering what bar you were talking about, so i went back and checked... and i still don't know.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 09, 2012, 03:29:14 pm
If you look underneath the counter for the :fire and :water quanta pools, theres a little "bar" of color that illustrates how much quanta is in each pool.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 10, 2012, 02:37:46 am
If you look underneath the counter for the :fire and :water quanta pools, theres a little "bar" of color that illustrates how much quanta is in each pool.
Believe it or not, i had never ever noticed there even was a bar there before. Thanks.
So yeah, those bars would become completely hidden aswell.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: BumbleSting on August 10, 2012, 03:07:31 am
First changes made:
-Players are now targetable with any version.
-Costs dramatically reduced.

While making it eternal was tempting, the fact that having 1 or 2 in your hand would make absolutely no difference (since you can play any of them multiple times) confused me and made the cost balancing harder.
This new version should also be able to fit in non-mono- :darkness decks easily because of the low cost, because let's face it, it wouldn't be very useful without Shards of Sacrifice, Fallen Druids, Accelerations, Chaos Powers, Dune Scorpions, all kinds of cards that require a duo, trio, or :rainbow.

The more i think of it, the more i want to make the effect alot longer (or endless) too, because to mind-game against your enemy about which one of your Dune Scorpions has momentum so he can Thunderbolt it, or which one of your mutants is stealing all his stuff, or which one of the voodo dolls is 18|2 and which one has Butterfly Effect, you need to apply it to at least 2 targets to make any sense. With a max of 6 Obscure in your deck.
Do you guys agree?

I think it would work better as an eternal as far as the entire 'mind-game' type thing goes. However, it would be an absurd benefit for the other player to not see your health or his for any lengthy amount of time.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OldTrees on August 10, 2012, 03:16:11 am
I think it would work better as an eternal as far as the entire 'mind-game' type thing goes. However, it would be an absurd benefit for the other player to not see your health or his for any lengthy amount of time.
What do you mean?
I would still be able to calculate the damage I would be taking/dealing. I would be able to see/calculate the amount of healing. Same for Sanc, SoSac and Silence.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: BumbleSting on August 10, 2012, 03:23:29 am
I think it would work better as an eternal as far as the entire 'mind-game' type thing goes. However, it would be an absurd benefit for the other player to not see your health or his for any lengthy amount of time.
What do you mean?
I would still be able to calculate the damage I would be taking/dealing. I would be able to see/calculate the amount of healing. Same for Sanc, SoSac and Silence.

That's true, if you number crunch you can get around it, but really doing mental math is not much fun at all. So looking at it from that angle, you can either stress out about all the different variables and have a poor time, or give your opponent an advantage.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: Zam888 on August 10, 2012, 03:25:11 am
I think it would work better as an eternal as far as the entire 'mind-game' type thing goes. However, it would be an absurd benefit for the other player to not see your health or his for any lengthy amount of time.
What do you mean?
I would still be able to calculate the damage I would be taking/dealing. I would be able to see/calculate the amount of healing. Same for Sanc, SoSac and Silence.

That's true, if you number crunch you can get around it, but really doing mental math is not much fun at all. So looking at it from that angle, you can either stress out about all the different variables and have a poor time, or give your opponent an advantage.

Addition isn't really that rigorous  ?_?
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: BumbleSting on August 10, 2012, 03:30:39 am
I think it would work better as an eternal as far as the entire 'mind-game' type thing goes. However, it would be an absurd benefit for the other player to not see your health or his for any lengthy amount of time.
What do you mean?
I would still be able to calculate the damage I would be taking/dealing. I would be able to see/calculate the amount of healing. Same for Sanc, SoSac and Silence.

That's true, if you number crunch you can get around it, but really doing mental math is not much fun at all. So looking at it from that angle, you can either stress out about all the different variables and have a poor time, or give your opponent an advantage.

Addition isn't really that rigorous  ?_?

When I'm playing games on the internet, I'm far too lazy to do any math :P But seriously, you would have to account for adrenaline if that was in play, and there are all types of other damage modifiers. Also, if this card was played on other monsters, it would be nearly impossible.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 10, 2012, 03:41:51 am
I think it would work better as an eternal as far as the entire 'mind-game' type thing goes. However, it would be an absurd benefit for the other player to not see your health or his for any lengthy amount of time.

I think so too, but i have trouble figuring out a simple, intuitive way to make it still useful when you have >=2 of them in hand.
Eternal spells are supposed to be playable an unlimited amount of times per turn (quanta permitting), right?
If not, i could modify that into 1 time per turn per card, but i'd need extra space to explain all that. I have this rule that if the required card text is longer than the Card Builder's allowed space, i consider it too complicated and cut out some features.

About your 2nd statement, assuming you mean "drawback" instead of "benefit" (else i don't know what you meant), that would be the whole point of the card's mechanic, because too short amounts of obscured time are unlikely to make the enemy make bad decisions. He could just do some quick maths and reach accurate estimations, essentially negating the effect of the card.
I'd like to make it increasingly difficult for the enemy to keep track of what's going on, the more Obscures you play. Kind of like how it becomes impossible to control someone's permanents/creatures the more PA/Quints he casts.


Just saw the comments posted in the meantime. As far as i'm concerned, i do the maths every turn when playing Elements, it really helps achieving victory to know if you can wait X more turns before playing SoSac/Skyblitz, how many cards your opponent is able to play if you stop your Sundial/Dim Shield/SoSac chain, how big can i let this Lava Golem grow before i must antimatter it, and such things. It can take fair amounts of time in PvP, FG and Arena fights.

This card is aimed specifically at PvP, (unless the AI can pretend making mistakes  :D ) and yeah it aims to make calculus too time-consuming or unaccurate to be worth it, among other things. I think it could bring some new interesting strategies to the metagame, by bringing this new form of control: there was QC, PC, CC, hand control, and Cloak was the only information control but limited to your field. This adds targeted information control over things you couldn't obscure before.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: BumbleSting on August 10, 2012, 03:50:13 am
I think it would work better as an eternal as far as the entire 'mind-game' type thing goes. However, it would be an absurd benefit for the other player to not see your health or his for any lengthy amount of time.

I think so too, but i have trouble figuring out a simple, intuitive way to make it still useful when you have >=2 of them in hand.
Eternal spells are supposed to be playable an unlimited amount of times per turn (quanta permitting), right?
If not, i could modify that into 1 time per turn per card, but i'd need extra space to explain all that. I have this rule that if the required card text is longer than the Card Builder's allowed space, i consider it too complicated and cut out some features.

About your 2nd statement, assuming you mean "drawback" insted of "benefit" (else i don't know what you meant), that would be the whole point of the card's mechanic, because too short amounts of obscured time are unlikely to make the enemy make bad decisions. He could just do some quick maths and reach accurate estimations, essentially negating the effect of the card.
I'd like to make it increasingly difficult for the enemy to keep track of what's going on, the more Obscures you play. Kind of like how it becomes impossible to control someone's permanents/creatures the more PA/Quints he casts.


Just saw the comments posted in the meantime. As far as i'm concerned, i do the maths every turn when playing Elements, it really helps achieving victory to know if you can wait X more turns before playing SoSac/Skyblitz, how many cards your opponent is able to play if you stop your Sundial/Dim Shield/SoSac chain, how big can i let this Lava Golem grow before i must antimatter it, and such things. It can take fair amounts of time in PvP, FG and Arena fights.

This card is aimed specifically at PvP, (unless the AI can pretend making mistakes  :D ) and yeah it aims to make calculus too time-consuming or unaccurate to be worth it,a mong other things. I think it could bring some new interesting strategies to the metagame, by bringing this new form of control: there was QC, PC, CC, hand control, and Cloak was the only information control but limited to your field. This adds targeted information control over things you couldn't obscure before.

That's a good policy, nothing is more annoying in a card game than long card explanations that take a good minute to read. As to the entire math point, I do math too when playing in regards to when I can play cards and such, but I feel like having to add up all the other cards plus modifiers together and then subtracting your shield's reduction which is often varied based on how many cards your opponent has and then factoring in any other effects such as poison (which you wouldn't be able to see) would just be too much. I think this could work for AI, it would just mean every time the computer tried to call its health variable, there would be a few points of randomness.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OldTrees on August 10, 2012, 03:59:55 am
Eternal spells are supposed to be playable an unlimited amount of times per turn (quanta permitting), right?
The 1 turn per copy in hand Eternal spell version would be a neat design. (Bias: I am the OP of the Eternal Spells thread)
This would be roughly equivalent in cost to a 5 turn normal version.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 10, 2012, 04:10:42 am
There's also mutants to think about. If a mutant is obscured, you will have no idea what its capabilities actually are.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OldTrees on August 10, 2012, 04:13:11 am
There's also mutants to think about. If a mutant is obscured, you will have no idea what its capabilities actually are.
Until the ability is used and it attacks (math required)

This card is really good at hiding information. I like it a lot.  :)
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 10, 2012, 12:43:08 pm
There's also mutants to think about. If a mutant is obscured, you will have no idea what its capabilities actually are.
Until the ability is used and it attacks (math required)

This card is really good at hiding information. I like it a lot.  :)


...I just had to do it x)

On-topic: i've made this new version (v1.2 so far) as an attempt to turn Obscure into an efficient Eternal card, based on the suggestion of said Idea Guru:
The 1 turn per copy in hand Eternal spell version would be a neat design.


Since that squishes the main mechanism over one line plus one word, i wonder if it's still intuitive enough. Other than that, does it look balanced?
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: memimemi on August 10, 2012, 01:21:36 pm
What are the counters to this card?  I would suggest that Holy Light, at least, should remove the effect - shining light into the shadows, revealing all.

I really like the concept behind this card; there are fewer things more satisfying than screwing with your opponent's head.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 10, 2012, 02:42:36 pm
Yeah that would be fun  :)

As for Holy Light, i just so happens that theme-wise and cost-wise, it looks perfect. The problems would be targeting permanents, which Holy Light can't do, and the fact that you can re-obscure targets afterwards, if the Eternal version is the one that is retained.
I'll add it in a "counters" section, along with whatever else i can think of.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OldTrees on August 10, 2012, 03:27:20 pm
What are the counters to this card?  I would suggest that Holy Light, at least, should remove the effect - shining light into the shadows, revealing all.

I really like the concept behind this card; there are fewer things more satisfying than screwing with your opponent's head.
Counters include: CC, Math and ignoring. A direct counter is unneeded. (See buffs)
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: BumbleSting on August 10, 2012, 04:52:13 pm
This card would create a good synergy between death and time. I especially like the idea of using this on time-eggs.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 10, 2012, 06:41:40 pm
This card would create a good synergy between death and time. I especially like the idea of using this on time-eggs.
Don't forget :entropy !

So, which one is better, the current (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42531.msg529834.html#msg529834) version or the eternal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42531.msg531497.html#msg531497) one? So that i know if i can update it, if the wording is okay or not, and such things.

Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: BumbleSting on August 10, 2012, 06:46:36 pm
This card would create a good synergy between death and time. I especially like the idea of using this on time-eggs.
Don't forget :entropy !

So, which one is better, the current (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42531.msg529834.html#msg529834) version or the eternal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42531.msg531497.html#msg531497) one? So that i know if i can update it, if the wording is okay or not, and such things.

I like the current one a bit better, but they would both make for great games.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: choongmyoung on August 11, 2012, 05:15:11 am
Firestorm or Pandemonium-like mass control things "removes invisibility".
Should them remove this?
Personally, I think they should only destroy cloak, not Obscure | Obscurantism.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 11, 2012, 10:09:14 am
Firestorm or Pandemonium-like mass control things "removes invisibility".
Should them remove this?
Personally, I think they should only destroy cloak, not Obscure | Obscurantism.
I think so too.
Which version do you prefer, normal or eternal?
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: choongmyoung on August 11, 2012, 11:57:36 am
I vote for the current version.
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: OldTrees on August 24, 2012, 10:10:45 pm
You should submit this to the crucible
Title: Re: Obscure | Obscurantism
Post by: odideph on August 26, 2012, 04:10:48 am
You should submit this to the crucible
It is now done.