Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: dramore on January 29, 2011, 02:51:09 am

Title: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: dramore on January 29, 2011, 02:51:09 am

Null Wave | Null Wave
NAME: Null Wave
COST: 6 :aether
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: If this is the first card played
this turn remove all quanta
from all quanta pools.
NAME: Null Wave
COST: 4 :aether
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: If this is the first card played
this turn remove all quanta
from all quanta pools.
ART: Dramore
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: This should be fairly simple.
At the start of a turn, (your's or your opponent's), and this card is
played then all quanta all quanta pools, (your's and your opponent's),
is emptied. Reduced to zero.

This does not stop you from playing cards befor or after "Null Wave".
However if you play a card in the turn befor "Null Wave" is played it
will have no effect.

Also as this is a spell it can only be played on your turns unless the opponent
has one in his hand too.
SERIES: ***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***

Null Wave | Null Wave
NAME: Null Wave
COST: 6 :death
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: If this is the first card played
this turn remove all quanta
from all quanta pools.
NAME: Null Wave
COST: 4 :death
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: If this is the first card played
this turn remove all quanta
from all quanta pools.
ART: Dramore
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: This should be fairly simple.
At the start of a turn, (your's or your opponent's), and this card is
played then all quanta all quanta pools, (your's and your opponent's),
is emptied. Reduced to zero.

This does not stop you from playing cards befor or after "Null Wave".
However if you play a card in the turn befor "Null Wave" is played it
will have no effect.

Also as this is a spell it can only be played on your turns unless the opponent
has one in his hand too.
SERIES: ***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: Tea is good on January 29, 2011, 03:01:37 am
why not make it "has to be the first card played your turn" because you don't want anyone accidentally clicking it. Provide some situations we can use this card.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: Wizardcat on January 29, 2011, 03:06:00 am
You misspelled 'first' card.

I like this card. Works with stalls, such as poison, and against them, such as bolt-based ones.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: Archamarge/Venom[ATE] on January 29, 2011, 03:06:59 am
You have a typo in there. You have"frist" Not first.


I like the card otherwise. This could prove useful against some rushes and speed/heal bows.  :)
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: zyz1 on January 29, 2011, 03:08:00 am
i think  this could be more directed towards the other cards..
or  darkness not necessary meant for death.. cause death deal more with poison will death deals more of a lock down type of mechanic
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: dramore on January 29, 2011, 03:12:00 am
i think  this could be more directed towards the other cards..
or  darkness not necessary meant for death.. cause death deal more with poison will death deals more of a lock down type of mechanic
Yea had a hard time tring to find the right element for it. I didn't want it to be gravity as gravity already has black hole.

@wizardcat thanks for the correction.
@Archamarge/Venom[ATE] Thanks fixed the typo.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: rohlfo on January 29, 2011, 03:52:25 am
i think  this could be more directed towards the other cards..
or  darkness not necessary meant for death.. cause death deal more with poison will death deals more of a lock down type of mechanic
Yea had a hard time tring to find the right element for it. I didn't want it to be gravity as gravity already has black hole.

but sucking away all the quanta kinda is  gravity :s ...not that I have a solution to the niggle.  Really cool art!
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: OldTrees on January 29, 2011, 03:57:56 am
Neat Art!
Balancewise the mechanic is too new for me to accurately judge.
Thematically it seems out of place in Death but I cannot think of a better element for it.
Maybe Fire burning the quanta? Fits just as well as Death killing the quanta I guess.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: dramore on January 29, 2011, 04:05:44 am
@ rohlfo and OldTrees     Cool thanks guys and all I can say is. Ouch Ouch Ouch my hand is so cramping after 156 frames!!
                                        I got to find a better way to animate. Also I'm glad Y'all like the art.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: wizelsnarf on January 29, 2011, 04:31:18 am
 :darkness because of null?
 :gravity because of effect?

I like the art a lot! great work!
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: rohlfo on January 29, 2011, 01:11:30 pm
even  :time because of timing of playing this card? Could sort of fit a variety of elements :s
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: dramore on March 02, 2011, 01:43:04 am
Poll added please vote.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: Higurashi on March 02, 2011, 02:00:47 am
Null, eh? Did you know Aether is the element of mysterious immobile dimensions where absolutely nothing exists? Not even a vacuum. They're called void dimensions, and no one knows what'll happen if you end up in one. One theory is that everything you've ever done is undone, and so are you.

Now honestly, Aether is the building brick of the universe. If anything could reset it, it would be that energy.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: Rutarete on March 02, 2011, 02:01:20 am
Would you add an Other option to the poll please?
I don't think this really fits into any specific element.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: Captain Scibra on March 02, 2011, 02:28:27 am
:entropy for it is quite a chaotic theme, in my mind it resembles the even of a Black Hole going haywire, while :gravity because it resembles a Black Hole in the first place, and is very anti-rainbow, as :gravity is the strongest direct enemy of rainbows with Black Hole and Amber Nymph (i.e. Dark Matter).  A bit of a large effect for such a small amount of quanta, I would suggest a little larger of a cost.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: dramore on March 02, 2011, 02:31:33 am
:entropy for it is quite a chaotic theme, in my mind it resembles the even of a Black Hole going haywire, while :gravity because it resembles a Black Hole in the first place, and is very anti-rainbow, as :gravity is the strongest direct enemy of rainbows with Black Hole and Amber Nymph (i.e. Dark Matter).  A bit of a large effect for such a small amount of quanta, I would suggest a little larger of a cost.
Don't forget unlike "Blackhole" This hits you too. Also to balance it. It has to be the first card played in that turn. Tho I'm also wondering what would be the best set for it's casting cost too.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: funerallaughter on March 02, 2011, 04:25:19 am
 :water for cleansing >:O
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: vrt on March 02, 2011, 05:01:29 am
Great job on the art. Assuming you intended to give me a seizure.. Animated gif's are really not neccessary.
Title: Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
Post by: Kuroaitou on March 26, 2011, 10:16:42 am
Generally, .gifs are usually not allowed as card art -UNLESS- the card is part of a mechanically-similar Series showing the 'different art icons' for each of the images, but I'll let it slide for now. Hopefully the image itself won't generate excessive lag when people try to open up the Aether Crucible sticky poll. ^^;;