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Mind Shield | Psionic Barrier (Semi-Permalink)
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:34:47 am »

Mind Shield | Psionic Barrier
NAME: Mind Shield
COST: :aether
TYPE: Permanent
TEXT: Shield :  absorbs physical damage taken by 1,  absorbed damage is dealt to opponent.
NAME: Psionic Barrier
COST: :aether
TYPE: Permanent
TEXT: Shield :  absorbs physical damage taken by 1,  absorbed damage is dealt to opponent.
ART: Nik_V  (Edited from Link (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1098284))
NOTES: It first reduces damage taken by 1 and then deals the reduced damage to the opponent. Damage dealt so bypasses Mirror and Jade Shield.

It is a sort of mind shield connecting the player and the opponent. Some of the pain felt by the player is transferred to opponent.
SERIES: Not Yet.

(http://imageplay.net/hi/view/m7Gbd143005/Mind_Shield) (http://imageplay.net/hi/view/m7Gbd143006/Psionic_Barrier)
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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 02:32:29 pm »

I like this idea a lot, you just need to make sure it is balanced.

In combination with aflatoxin this could kill someone pretty quickly. Fractal would also suffer immensely from this.

I almost want to say the upgraded version is too overpowered. Someone with 7 creatures out would be taking 14 additional damage per turn. I guess hopefully they could play creatures wisely but.

My personal feeling is that the cost of the unupgraded should be raised to 4 :aether, and the upgraded should be the same (only 1 point of damage reduction) but be cheaper, say 3 :aether.

Maybe OldTrees or Zblader will comment.

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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 02:40:06 pm »
I'm not really sure about the wording. What about : "Shield :  absorbs 1 physical damage per attack and transfers it on the opponent"?

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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2011, 04:31:07 pm »
DR 1
Backlash 1
for (curently) 3 :aether

DR 2
Backlash 2
for (currently) 4 :aether +1upgrade

The upgrade is too much.
DR 1
Freezing 1
for 6 :water

DR 2
Freezing 1
for 7 :water +1upgrade
An upgrade, +1cost balances out a 1->2 DR change. The additional backlash (if kept) would need to increase it more.

I believe healing 2 hp to be equated with dealing 1 damage (see bolts). So DR 1, backlash 1 is worth DR1 x3 (multiply before the -3 reduction due to limited slot)
[note  :underworld is used as generic elemental quanta below and is not associated with the team,  :rainbow quanta or a new element]
DR 1
Cost: N-3 :underworld=1 :rainbow
N=3 :underworld+1 :rainbow

Mind Shield
DR 1, Backlash 1
Cost: 3N-3 :underworld=6 :underworld+3 :rainbow~=7 :underworld

Tower Shield
DR 1
Cost: N-3 :underworld-1upgrade(comparison to Titanium shield shows this to be a -1.5 upgrade)=5 :rainbow
N= 4.5 :underworld+5 :rainbow

Telekinetic Shield
DR 1, Backlash 1
Cost: 3N-3 :underworld-1.5 :underworld(upgrade)=9 :underworld+15 :rainbow~=14+ :underworld

So a 7 :underworld|14 :underworld cost seems called for (7 :underworld|6 :underworld if the upgrade is changed to a cost reduction from the unupped)

Also while the name would need to be changed, isn't this Backlash a Darkness mechanic?
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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 12:27:39 am »
I like this card but I think it's OP with aflatoxin and/or epinephrine.

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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 12:49:46 am »
Nice card I have to say though I'd change somethings:
    The backlash of the upgraded version to 1 point and add that each time something hits it you gain 1 quanta of its element.The name of Telekinetic Shield to Psychic Shield
The wording can also be changed to:

Mind Shield
Shield: Redirect 1 point of physical damage from each source.

Psychic Shield
Shield: Redirect 1 point of physical damage from each source. Gain 1 elementally-aligned quanta from each hit.

Just my take on it.

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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2011, 10:41:09 am »
neat idea!


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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2011, 05:50:48 pm »
Interesting Idea. but seems very powerful. 2 cards could kill and in theory you could set it up on turn 2. then again must deck can deal with a shield so it would really need PA to be a lock.

um about the name. while it kinda gets the point across. When you read the text I get where your going. I guess telekinetics could hurt someone but I thought that usually meant to move objects with your mind. I think the fantasy word for hurting people with your mind is psionic. So maybe call it Psionic Shield (I think Psionic Barrier sounds cooler)

Just a suggestion. Like it as is to. Cool art as well.

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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2011, 03:53:25 am »
Thx for all the input so far. The current one was OP, i had only counted the increased damage reduction for the upped and ignored the increase in damage dealt to opponent.

I will slowly nerf the shield. Increased cost of the upped by 1.

The description might need some rewording as all proposed but the name psionic barrier sounds cool. So i will put it immediately.
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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2011, 03:58:13 am »
I stand by my calculation that this should cost 7 :aether|14 :aether for its current effect.
A gradual nerfing will not reach 7|14 for a while. I feel a faster adjustment would be more effective.
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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2011, 04:03:25 am »
I really like it, but I do agree it's a little OP.  :(

On the bright side though, this would have a great synergy with nightmare  ;)

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Re: Mind Shield | Telekinetic Shield (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2011, 04:21:14 am »
What ? 14 :aether for a shield ?  :o

I think it seems too high to be true. I think we could make up and consider the fact that creature with 1 or 2 attack would skip their attack and won't deal any backlash damage. Still would it be this high ?
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