ART: |
| IDEA: | MildlyFrightenedBoy
| NOTES: | This card does the following:
Targeted creature-only spells, such as Blessing, will target a random creature. Targeted permanent-only spells, such as Steal, will target a random permanent. Targeted creature-only abilities, such as Lobotomize, will target a random creature. Targeted permanent-only abilities, such as Destroy, will target a random permanent. Targeted spells that can target either creatures or permanents (Shockwave) will target either a random creature or a random permanent - the original target does not matter. Targeted spells that can target either creatures or players (Holy Flash) will target either a random creature or a random player - the original target does not matter.
Note: Multi-target spells are not affected by Masquerade.
For the upgraded version, your side of the field and spells that you are are entirely unaffected. All cards on the opponent's side of the field are equally likely to be targeted. For the unupgraded version, any card in play is equally likely to be targeted (marks excluded).