ART: | Author of Original Image: DarkCryst at en.wikipedia. image url: Image cartoonized using GIMP by OdinVanguard Thanks to EmeraldTiger for art suggestion
| IDEA: | OdinVanguard -Special thanks to EmeraldTiger, Zblader, and OldTrees for balancing help and suggestions
| NOTES: | This card will initially read "Give non-rare weapons a chance to cause a bonus effect, or allows a chance to attack without a weapon." while in the player's hand. Once played, the text will change to match the mechanic of the currently equipped weapon. If a rare weapon is equipped, it will read the same as in hand. If the player's weapon slot is empty, or contains a non-rare weapon, however, it will change to one of the following:
- Weapon's mark, Weapon Name: "Martial training effect description", additional notes
- N.A. , empty hand: "flying fist: deal up to 1 damage per training with bare hand"
, Hammer (gavel): "Crushing blow: chance to stun opponents weapon 1 round with your hammer or gavel", 15% per training, causes the enemy weapon to have the delayed status (stacks) -
Short Bow (long bow), "Sniper training: chance to deal weapon damage to a random enemy target with your short bow or long bow", 12% chance per training -
, dagger (dirk): "gouge: chance to cause opponent to take 1 extra damage from all sources next round with your dagger or dirk", 5% chance per training (stacks) -
, short sword (long sword): "sword dance: chance to retaliate against weapon attacks with your short sword or long sword", 10% chance per training. This will either cause weapon damage instantly to your enemy (if countering an opponent's weapon attack) or deal damage to the card itself if the weapon is flying. Crusaders will not be counter attacked ---new non-rare weapons to be added as "Other" cards---
, Healer's Staff (Caduceus Staff): "parry: chance to deflect (prevent) weapon attacks with your quarter staff", 15% chance per training. Will only block attacks from weapons held in opponents hand or made flying. Will not block attacks of crusaders or other creatures -
, sagaris (pollaxe): "penetrate: chance to deal 2 extra damage and bypass shields with your sagaris or pollaxe", 12% per training -
, wrist blade (katara) : "Bluring speed: attack an extra 1 time per 3 trainings with your katara or wrist blade", 10% per training -
, Razor Disc (Chakram): "Ionize: Chakram may deal spell instead of physical damage. When thrown, it may damage extra random targets.", Spell damage chance is 6% + 4% per training. Each training gives a 25% chance for an additional random target. E.g. if there were 4 trainings, when thrown an internal loop would count from 1 to 4 and check RNG. On each success a random target enemy gets picked and damaged. If the enemy player is chosen as a target, the spell damage check will run. If it succeeds then 1 spell damage is dealt otherwise 1 physical damage (e.g. absorbable by shields) is dealt -
, Harpoon (Puiji): "Impale: Your harpoon and armed creatures have a chance to impale enemies, reducing healing they recieve" , Weapon in hand has 10% + 5% per training. Armed creatures are 1/2 less likely. A successful impale puts a stackable debuff status on the afflicted target (usu. the player but could be a creature in the case of the guard ability or gravity pull) each impale reduces any healing the afflicted target receives by 1. Spells and effects that remove poison will also remove impale.
Non-rare weapons that have been animated will also benefit if the wording on martial training matches their type (i.e. if you have a flying dagger, you will have to have a dagger equipped in hand for it to benefit). The same applies to crusaders that have the corresponding weapon ability listed. However, flying weapons will have all chances reduced by 1/4 and crusaders will have all chances reduced by 1/3. I.e. if your equipped weapon has a 12% chance to trigger, a flying version will only have a 9% chance and an endowed crusader will only have an 8% chance.
| SERIES: | Will be updated as soon as series is posted.