CURATOR COMMENT-Please do not use the phrase 'N/A' if your card is not a creature (remove it from the table if you can)
-Provide links to the art sources, rather than just naming them; this will allow Curators to more accurately judge whether or not your art is valid for use in your card idea
-*Try wording it to make the TEXT more fluid:
"After your opponent's attack
phase, deal 5 - your
opponent's total quanta
damage to your opponent."
...can be changed to:
"Deal 5-X damage to your
opponent after their attack
phase. X = opponent's quanta
total. Cannot heal enemy."
* = suggestion
That said - WELCOME to the Card Ideas and Art (or 'CIA'
) board of the forums pwnsore! If you need any help with table fixing, feel free to ask and I'll try my best to assist you when I can.