NOTES: | Only abilities you can trigger will be taken in count (a vampire attacking and using its ability will *not* gain +1|+1 (+2|+2 if adoration)). The following abilities are *not* taken in count for this card : growth, steam, ablaze, infect, plague. Here's a complete list of abilities who activate this card : Black Hole, Burrow, Congeal, Dead and Alive, Deja Vu, Destroy, Devour, Dive, Endow, Evolve, Freeze, Gravity pull, Guard, Hatch, Heal, Improved mutation, Infection, Inflate, Liquid Shadow, Lobotomize, Luciferin, Lycantropy, Mitosis, Mutation, Nymph's Tear, Paradox, Petrify, Photosynthesis, Precognition, Psionic wave, Rage, Reverse Time, Sniper, Steal, Stone form, Tsunami, Unstable gas, Web. If the ability cost is 0, Love | Adoration isn't activated. If the ability is cancelled, Love | Adoration isn't activated. The bonus applies AFTER the ability. In particular, only the original Déja vu will gain the bonus, you can't use a combo with adoration to Devour cards larget than yourself, and the bonus will apply to the creature resulting from the birth of Evolve/Hatch. The bonus stays till your next turn.