I think this is quite a fun idea to mess around with - time will be able to splash into other elements even more effectively with this (upgraded or not, alongside Hourglasses), so that people either gain more (quanta) and/or draw more cards.
I just wish it was a spell. ^^; Time has so many permanents on the field to deal with...
Just a recap -
cards and abilities that will NOT break this effect:Spark | Ball LightningUpgraded SundialPhoton | Ray of LightAll Pillars/Towers, Nova, Luciferase, Immolation | Cremation
(Which is super important, now that I realize how this ties in so well with quanta generation)Animate WeaponHoly Flash[/list]
A handful of cards, but most of them revolve around quanta generation (see the bold highlight). Of course, I think this inspires me to do a Hope + Flying Divine Glory + Photon deck now. XD