A rainbow can usually draw multiple cards a turn losing 1 or 2 slots isn't going to effect it much plus you could just replace this for one quantum tower to deal a bit of damage and get some nice quanta
That draw that is so good is compromised these days due to the higher cost of the Hourglass. 1 or 2 slots does make a difference, to me anthow.
You may have noticed how perfectly balanced Puppychows and yaladilaes decks have become? adding 1 card ruins the draw rate required to get a high win percentage.
I'm not going to say it's OP (I haven't thought it out), but would like to point out that I feel like the or versions could see a pretty good amount of use in a Rainbow deck. At the end of the game, when you have to rewind one of your own creatures to prevent deckout.... these would be ideal. Entropybows could use the one to build extra reserves (unless the random quanta cost is unluckily paid mostly in , this should work) and timebows could gain the 3 they need per turn to make a firefly and mutate it/a skeleton.
The idea is interesting though. Would allow any deck to splash Deflag, Momentum, or any number of useful 1 cost spells.
Good Points. I used the Time Variant in my deck for testing but never played it, waiting I held it in hand for the endgame but had killed my opponents by then. My time bow was never lax for quanta as it ran faster on Quanta Towers than Nova but I can see the point of using it that way.
With any of these situations, are they going to give you more options or are they going to break the environment?
For me, new options is great, 2-6 element decks can rock it out.
Breakng the environment is always bad tho.