This is overpowered to hell. 5/4
quantum to not only destroy any targetable creature, but to deal that much damage as well?! Also, Destory-->Destroy
edited: half the attack of creature now. better?
Still overpowered. First of all, let's take a look at the insta-kill.
Zanz specifically said that he didn't want insta-kills that don't take in account the creature's HP. Aflatoxin was intentionally changed from insta-kill to 2 poison. Shockwave was left alone because it required a two-card combo.
Secondly, in addition to a taboo'ed insta-kill, it does damage as well??
Here are some possible changes:
1) Follow the theme of Gravity (many things involve HP), and make it only affect creatures with 5 HP or less. This makes it a "legitimate" insta-kill, and is a spell version of Elite Otyugh, sort of.
2) Make it do damage to YOU equal to the HP of the creature.
Now for aesthetics.
If you want to be scientifically correct (I'm a physics freak), Wormholes don't completely destroy things. That's what Black Holes do. (which, incidently, has its own card) Wormholes, in theory, should be able to transport matter to another point of space-time. It doesn't destroy, only transports. I believe it kind of rescontructs the matter at the end of the Wormhole.
Also, Destory should be Destroy.