The thing is, the idea itself is barely revolutionary. Bringing meta-game concerns into the Armory doesn't actually inspire Zanzarino to make new cards...
This may be true, but I think the main purpose of CIA is not only to create original cards for Zanzarino to base upon. It's also to create good cards mechanics-wise. Face it: the cards are mainly mechanical issues of a game that - essentially - is maths on top of a GUI. Theme is good and nice, and I like it, but it's not like having an awesome theme under awful mechanics is having a good game. See WhiteWolf productions in RPG, for instance. Having a solid card is prefereable to having a flavorful card if both cannot be obtained, since having a card like this can make the gameplay more fun, whereas having a card like Shroedinger Cat is... just funny. Shroedinger Cat is full of flavor, true, but the only competitive decks I see it used in are Fried Cats in War III and Monomutation Rush in Master's Tournament. Both times, Photon would be better if not for element-specific requirements.
Although, Essence is probably easily amused.