Yes. Creature Cards in Elements can have 3 abilities.
Active - an ability that is actively used by the player, by clicking on the card. This can be, Paradox, Lobotomize, Devour..... or burrow.
Passive - an ability that is always used by the creature, no matter what. Like Incandescence for Fire Fly's creating Fire Quanta or Puffer Fish doing poison damage when it attacks.
Status - a status which is unique to this unit. This could be like Immaterial. See Immortals and Phase Dragons.
So, this brings us back to the point that if you 'hide' a creature, it will lose it's previous ability. The game does not store what the creature was in the past, or what abilities it had in the past.
If I put a Blessing on a Skeleton, that does not become a 1/1 + 3/3 = 4/4 skeleton, it is just a 4/4 Skeleton now. Similarly, if I mutate an Otyugh into a Fate Egg and then Hatch it into a Dragon with Freeze - the game does not see that as an Otyugh which was mutated, then hatched... It see's it as a dragon with freeze.