I'm not a card curator or anything, but you should remove the 0|0 from the ATK|HP section and just leave it blank.
I don't think this could work with the way Chimera is coded right now. Chimera combines ALL of the creatures on your/the opponent's side at that moment, but I don't know if it can exclude some creatures.
Gravity Shield is actually very useful; most cards are just situational. Gravity Shield might not help when you're playing against a Shrieker rush(for example), but it would help against a Scarab rush.
For the actually concept, how will Chimera'ing monsters be beneficial? Because they're gravity pulled? I think if it's code-able, it might be a bit OP, since if there are at least two attacking creatures on the opponent's side, they'll all eventually be fused into a giant gravity pulled mesh and die.
Also, how does Magnetism lead to fusion?
Just my
, and welcome to the CIA!