Well, my point is, the upped one is OP! A free attack boost with an equivalent of a pillar? I don't think that's fair...
Yes nightfall, is global BUT SPECIFIC. You can't make your lava golem +1|+1 with nightfall can you?
Even without dive, having an unlimited (or more than 6, should i say) amount of boosts (as pillars/towers are unlimited) is unfair.
see. even this will show you.
Play a 2|1 creature on the first turn.
Play 4 Fire Monoliths, make it 6 attack (for cost of negative 4*turns it lasts)
This creature, after 4 turns SHOULD deal 8 damage
But if the monoliths were used, it would deal 24 damage after 4 turns.
having triple damage over 4 turns, with no cost (upped) and a quanta advantage is quite broken
Might i suggest upping the cost AND effect of the upped on since, a bonus+ pillar would make it a bit OP.
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mine might be UP, but as long as the upped one has a cost/delay/ it would be fairer