This is closer mechanically to / than / .
The theme could be discarded easily.
In fact a Gravity creature that gains +1|0 per successful attack would be a decent adaptation of this mechanic. May I make this adaptation?
the premise came from people who drink tend to put more force in their blows, thats where momentum came in. being drunk causes them to miss, which is the miss percentage. gaining damage is to make the card worth using, when you do hit youll hit for more, it will be a staggered growth.
comes from alcoholic drinks being a liquid (or solution if someone wants to get technical). I'm thinking about changing the names to be "elixir" to be less blunt about the connection, but still there.
but as far as the gravity creature that gains power per successful attack, would it also have the chance to miss mechanic? or is it just assumed that it should have momentum added to it so it gains +1 attack every turn? and on a side note, isnt gaining attack per turn for gravity already taken care of with acceleration?
They had Alcohol back then, but it was called Rum or Mead.
mead definitely is associated with periods we typically consider in the fantasy period. rum, while mostly currently associated with the carribean/pirates, was also being made in asia a long, long time ago. so good call.
hm... "Elements is a fantasy card game"... Alcohol is in fantasy? More like modern.
Steam Machine, Maxwell's Demon, Black Hole...your point?
not to mention all the mechs in gravity