... Why does being on a different side matter?
Not a single card only has the ability to target creatures on your side. And if you're going to tell me that AoE hits opponent's side, yes, yes it does, but it doesn't hit poison, that's for sure.
Well, the fact that it
1) drains from its owner
2) gets played whenever possible
actually does make an even bigger difference...
Consider the nightmare combo!
This would make a devastating


denial deck possible
Play this, wait a turn, play nightmare on it... Your opponent will then be hit with massive number of drainers, on top of the nightmare drain, will get a large amount of quanta sucked down in the process, and to top it off will be unable to stop the drain unless they can kill or sac the ticks in time...
In actuality, this may be a little too powerful.
I would suggest dropping the quanta cost on the tick a bit. Even then, it may be a little too potent... What if instead of auto draining, you made it a 1|1 that attacks its owner and gains the HP if the attack succeeds? That way shields and AM could work as counters.
As an alternative deck idea, you could put these into a tick bow and use SoSac and Catapult.
At any rate, once it gets balanced, I think it will be an awesome card.