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Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: waterzx on March 14, 2012, 10:00:39 am

Title: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 14, 2012, 10:00:39 am
Divine Protection
2 :light
Damage and poison dealt to your creatures are re-directed to you. Gain 2HP for each protected creature.
Divine Force
1 :light
Damage and poison dealt to your creatures are re-directed to you. Gain  :light for each protected creature.
Heavily modified from image by Smithsonian Institution : http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SN_1996cr_in_Circinus.jpg
Reverse mechanics of Gravity Pull and this card is born.

Important facts
1.Instant kill (e.g. paradox, devour)is NOT redirected.

2.If Gravity Pull | Gravity Force is used, the effect of this card is delayed until Gravity Pull effect is removed.

3.Divine Protection is slightly different from Divine Force. Hence they have different roles in game.

4.The "Bonus" for protecting creatures is only given once for each creature

5..If you play a new creature after you play this card, that creature is still protected and you will still receive the "bonus" given by this card

Caution : You will receive MASSIVE DAMAGE if opponent uses Rain of Fire or Plague while you have a lot of creatures and this card is in play

Edit :
A sister card called Divine Intervention | Divine Gate is made
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: glennfoo on March 14, 2012, 12:08:46 pm
i like the idea but i do not think it is a good idea to redirect the damage to you only. perhaps you can redirect the damage to another ally creature. but you can still heal or gain quanta . then i think the card will be useful. to redirect the damage to yourself seems too risky. this card is not so significant if you have only one creature but too dangerous if u have too many creatures. i do not think light is a risky element
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 14, 2012, 12:14:28 pm
Redirecting damage to another creature seems good.

I agree that light is not a risky element but the card is meant to protect creatures, and protection is light's theme.

You can also use this card as a additional healing source / quanta source, of course you need to calculate the risk.

Maybe this will be better if it is in  :life if I'm gonna to keep the risky aspect ?

Or should I change the mechanics itself ?
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: glennfoo on March 14, 2012, 12:37:16 pm
life already has its own healing. it does not need additional healing source. life need lots of creatures and this card will kill the elementalist. it is too risky for life. but for light it is ok. imagine redirecting the damage to archangel who has blessing. then the archangels heal themselves. it will be like the angels protecting something not only the hero. what you think??
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 14, 2012, 01:09:02 pm
life already has its own healing. it does not need additional healing source. life need lots of creatures and this card will kill the elementalist. it is too risky for life. but for light it is ok. imagine redirecting the damage to archangel who has blessing. then the archangels heal themselves. it will be like the angels protecting something not only the hero. what you think??
Nice idea. Perhaps I should change it to "redirect damage and poison to target creature"

But what should be "bonus" then ? This card may lose a lot of potential uses if the bonus is removed
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 15, 2012, 02:35:55 am
I think I should stick to the current mechanics. This is a risky move, but redirecting damage to other creatures has been done before....something like the Red Herring
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: glennfoo on March 15, 2012, 08:27:08 pm
i am not aware of the Red herring. what is that??
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: OdinVanguard on March 15, 2012, 08:35:27 pm
I think the un-upped version actually has some utility as a count to mass cc, even as is. Although you will take damage from RoF or Pandemonium, other mass CC is negated. E.g. thunderstorm, and gas are negated by healing. Even plague will only be dangerous after several applications. In fact, mass creatures + gas + this = up to 23 healing.
I think this could be quite effective in a Fractal RoL deck even left as is. Even against RoF, 1 damage per creature isn't that huge of a price to pay to keep your shield high.
One thing though, will mirror shield subsequently redirect damage to your opponent... that would be EXTREMELY powerful (probably way OP in fact if you consider the unupped pandemonium + fractal combo).
I don't know about the upped version though. If i want to convert incoming damage to :light , i think solar shield is a safer bet.
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 16, 2012, 02:28:43 am
I think the un-upped version actually has some utility as a count to mass cc, even as is. Although you will take damage from RoF or Pandemonium, other mass CC is negated. E.g. thunderstorm, and gas are negated by healing. Even plague will only be dangerous after several applications. In fact, mass creatures + gas + this = up to 23 healing.
I think this could be quite effective in a Fractal RoL deck even left as is. Even against RoF, 1 damage per creature isn't that huge of a price to pay to keep your shield high.
One thing though, will mirror shield subsequently redirect damage to your opponent... that would be EXTREMELY powerful (probably way OP in fact if you consider the unupped pandemonium + fractal combo).
I don't know about the upped version though. If i want to convert incoming damage to :light , i think solar shield is a safer bet.
1. I have mentioned that the bonus is only given once for each creature.  So the mass healing can only be given once.

Maybe I use an example to explain this :

Play divine protection, and I have 3 creatures. I gain 6 HP. Then I play one more creature , one more creature is under my protection, so I gain 2 more HP

2. Mirror shield cannot reflect the damage

3. For the upped version, you can gain  :light immediately when you play the card to protect creatures, so you can gain up to 23 :light in one single turn, more than enough to power a Miracle

i am not aware of the Red herring. what is that??

It's a creature card. When it is on field, opponent can only target it.

Somehow I can't find the link to the card
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: kimham8a on March 16, 2012, 02:37:14 am
Ferox style rushes could use this to protect their leaf dragons. Looks great. But is  :light actually better than 2hp?
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 16, 2012, 02:38:45 am
Ferox style rushes could use this to protect their leaf dragons. Looks great. But is  :light actually better than 2hp?
I have explained it in my reply, you can use the extra :light to power a miracle, or something that helps you win

Hey, guys. why no one took a look at the sister card Divine Intervention | Divine Gate ?

I think it's powerful too !
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: kimham8a on March 16, 2012, 02:46:31 am
i have read that post, but i think some will find unupped better. For example in rol hope decks you only really need this in case of mass cc middle to late game. During that time you have plenty of quanta.
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 16, 2012, 02:51:07 am
i have read that post, but i think some will find unupped better. For example in rol hope decks you only really need this in case of mass cc middle to late game. During that time you have plenty of quanta.
You are right about the RoL/hope case. But I think gaining :light is a more versatile function as you can allow yourself to use more cards for combo. While gaining HP is simply healing and that's all. More versatility is what upgraded cards should be in my opinions
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: kimham8a on March 16, 2012, 03:04:40 am
Sounds reasonable. Could you think of an example so I can have a better idea? (not the miracle one, because with protecting enough creatures to play miracle is 15 + one card. Unupped you get 30 hp without wasting a draw. Also miracle is imo another late game card during which even non rol hope decks should have made lots of quanta by then anyway. Unless the  :life :light synergies lead to light dragon + mitosis.
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 16, 2012, 03:13:03 am
Sounds reasonable. Could you think of an example so I can have a better idea? (not the miracle one, because with protecting enough creatures to play miracle is 15 + one card. Unupped you get 30 hp without wasting a draw. Also miracle is imo another late game card during which even non rol hope decks should have made lots of quanta by then anyway. Unless the  :life :light synergies lead to light dragon + mitosis.
If you are running mono-light, I don't see much use of the upped version

But if you are running duo-/trio-/rainbow, you may not have too much light quanta.

Even if you only have 4-5 creatures on field, divine force can help you put out a Sanctuary or an Archangel

Early sanctuary is vital against a quanta denial deck, which is preventing you from getting the sanctuary

An archangel, well, early creature is always welcome. Although you can't re-gain HP, you may out-damage the opponent by playing creatures faster and more
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: kimham8a on March 16, 2012, 03:18:18 am
so i suppose this would be like disspation field/shield and chaos seed/power, with it really being a choice whether to upgrade or not.
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 16, 2012, 03:19:27 am
so i suppose this would be like disspation field/shield and chaos seed/power, with it really being a choice whether to upgrade or not.
Indeed. Or you can put both of them into the deck :P

Would you like to look at Divine Intervention | Divine Gate too ? Zero reply there so far
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: moomoose on March 16, 2012, 09:26:24 pm
i may have missed it, but is the damage first reduced by a shield, such as hope, should you have one in play?  ie if your hope shield has a counter of 2, and rain of fire is played on your two RoLs, do you receive 6 damage, or 2?
Title: Re: Divine Protection | Divine Force
Post by: waterzx on March 17, 2012, 01:04:19 am
i may have missed it, but is the damage first reduced by a shield, such as hope, should you have one in play?  ie if your hope shield has a counter of 2, and rain of fire is played on your two RoLs, do you receive 6 damage, or 2?
Shield will be bypassed