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Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: furballdn on August 26, 2012, 12:03:29 am

Title: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: furballdn on August 26, 2012, 12:03:29 am
6 :darkness

Your opponent can not have more cards than you next turn. They must discard if needed.
5 :darkness

Your opponent can not have more cards than you next turn. They must discard if needed.

Gives a dark overlay over opponent's side like silence, that doesn't allow them to have more cards than you by the end of their next turn.
If they discard a card but still have more cards than you, they will have to discard again.
Synergy with nightmare, GotP, future cards that will punish discarding.
Blocked by Sanctuary.

Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: AnonymousRevival on August 26, 2012, 12:37:32 am
But what if you play this card and only have a few cards on your hand, but your opponent has a hand full of cards, would they all discard in one go until it is equal or just one per turn?
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: furballdn on August 26, 2012, 12:38:28 am
But what if you play this card and only have a few cards on your hand, but your opponent has a hand full of cards, would they all discard in one go until it is equal or just one per turn?
They would have to keep discarding until the number of cards in their hand matches the number in yours.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: Annele on August 26, 2012, 01:42:44 am
Would Sanc affect this?
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: Ajit on August 26, 2012, 01:58:36 am
Would Sanc affect this?

I would hope so.

I like it a lot, unique mechanic.  It is powerful, but I think this is compensated in the maintenance cost.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: furballdn on August 26, 2012, 02:45:43 am
Would Sanc affect this?

I would hope so.

Mechanically, it would not (discarding happens during the sanct owner's turn). Thematically, it should. What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: TheAccuso on August 26, 2012, 02:58:36 am
bomb card aaaaaaaand i like it
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: vivimancer on August 26, 2012, 03:33:36 am
so GotP + nightmare + this?

bit OP ...
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: cjackdc on August 26, 2012, 10:25:25 am
Maybe if this were a spell card instead of a permanent or it lasted a number of turns it would be less OP,
it would then be only used in one round and not constant because if you use this card as a permanent when you have 0 cards left the opponent has to get rid of all his cards and every card after that either has to be used or discarded.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: Rutarete on August 26, 2012, 04:41:44 pm
Consider playing this on the first turn (upgraded play). That's quite a blow.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: Elite arbiter on August 26, 2012, 05:48:38 pm
Consider playing this on the first turn (upgraded play). That's quite a blow.

Depending on the deck. The opponent only discards at end of turn, so they get a turn to play their pillars as well. Granted this probably steals their first draw and potentially more, so that would still be pretty decent.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: furballdn on August 26, 2012, 08:33:08 pm
After some thinking, I have decided this card would be better as a one turn spell and should be countered by Sanctuary. How much should it cost though?
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: Luminous on August 26, 2012, 08:41:17 pm
Absorb :darkness per turn ? It works like a devourer,i got it but this sentence means 'Absorb 1 :darkness quanta if your opponent has'
You might wanna change that.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: furballdn on August 26, 2012, 08:47:18 pm
Absorb :darkness per turn ? It works like a devourer,i got it but this sentence means 'Absorb 1 :darkness quanta if your opponent has'
You might wanna change that.
It absorbs from you, not the opponent. Just like how flooding says "absorb :water per turn". I'm going to change it from a permanent to spell, so I will get rid of the upkeep cost.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: blarp on August 27, 2012, 12:33:37 am
Doesn't this card fk up whoever goes second? Lets say I run a darkness deck with like 18 pillars, 6 of these, and 6 dragons, this would instantly neg a rainbow deck like 4-5 cards. Also kinda cheap with SoB...

Maybe just your opponents handsize is reduced by 1 per each of these cards in play? That isn't a horrible effect even though it's a big nerf.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: jawdirk on August 27, 2012, 04:41:43 am
All the potential to abuse this card is in the turn that it is played, forcing OP to dump his whole hand. Multi-turn doesn't really matter at all.

It is quite easy to abuse. This + silence for example. Its cost must be too high to play on the first turn. I think 6 :darkness. Personally, I think something like this would be more fun:

permanent, casting cost 2 :darkness. Maximum hand size of both players is reduced by 2.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: furballdn on August 30, 2012, 01:19:47 am
Cost is now 6|5 and a spell, also blockable by sanct.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on September 03, 2012, 10:01:30 pm
Awesome idea, however there are lot of mono- :darkness which can stay with only a Disparity in their hand (especially Devourer-based decks which can gain extra :darkness quanta by draining your opponent's quanta pool). Furthermore, Pestal or Ghosmare is a super-deck with this... Put a discarding cap, like discard up to 3 cards max or someting similar.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: furballdn on September 03, 2012, 10:22:03 pm
Awesome idea, however there are lot of mono- :darkness which can stay with only a Disparity in their hand (especially Devourer-based decks which can gain extra :darkness quanta by draining your opponent's quanta pool). Furthermore, Pestal or Ghosmare is a super-deck with this... Put a discarding cap, like discard up to 3 cards max or someting similar.
Disparity is a powerful card, so it is alongside dimensional shield level cost (6|5 is pretty high cost that you won't see it coming out first turn, and very rarely second turn)

Decks that want to make use of this will often have to redistribute cards and quanta, changing ghostmares and pestals if they were to add this.

If a player using this expects a 3 card max discard, they'd have to have 3 cards less than the opponent. Most games have around a 1-2 card difference between player hands. Pestal would have a hard time using this due to hand clogging with fractal.
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: Pella on May 08, 2013, 01:15:02 pm
I like this idea.  :)

"Cannot have more cards than you" is vague.  Cards where?  Hand?  Deck?  In play?

I propose the following text, which specifies that the card affects the hand.  The proposed text also specifies the potential need to discard more than one card.  I verified that the proposed text fits in the card text area.

"Opponent's hand cannot be larger than yours next turn.  Opponent must discard as many cards as needed."
Title: Re: Disparity | Disparity
Post by: Jaydos99 on January 28, 2014, 10:42:48 am
I can see a nightmare + ghost of past + disparity OTK or 2TK combo possible if this card is implemented. A deck full of upgraded pillars could probably unleash the combo quite quickly as well due to fast quantum gain  and very quickly reduce cards in hand to just 1 ghost of past (or maybe even no cards in hand if lucky). Great card idea! Just needs rigorous testing so as to make sure it's not to OP.

For example if you are left with 1 card in your hand after playing ghost of past + nightmare + disparity and the opponent has 8 cards in hand, they will have to discard 7 cards. If 5 of those were upped ghosts then you're looking at 65 damage + 10 nightmare damage + 9 ghost of past attack damage = 84 hp
