lol i know where you got this from
@ 7wavemaster
i suppose many people including myself have thought that immortals need a buff, but imo Immortals do need a serious buff out of any of the other creatures in the game, I mean Cmon who´s gonna pay 7
for a creature that has 5 attack and is just simply untargetable? especially considering it can still get killed by carapace or fire shield, you might aswell stack
quanta for one more turn and pay for a Phase Dragon, of course everyone here already knows that.
but i practically never see immortal get used and it makes me think that at this moment its just a waste of space.
and i reckon immortal is a really cool creature, which is why i´ll be supporting any idea that buffs immortals in
anyway (of course appropriately) so they can get a boost and so i can use them!
btw Zblader i hope at least one of our ideas makes into the game, i really like this idea as it creates another synergy with
, despite fractal pest and i also find it quite balanced seeming as it needs both quanta types to stay in field but i agree to buff the Upped one,
give it 6 attack.
why i say this is because of "Steel golem" that has a stat of 6|9 and only costs 4