Claioh Solais + 1 RoL + Fractal (with empty hand) = 1

+ 9

= 10

for 12 damage per turn.
Fahrenheit + 10

= 7 damage per turn
Just looking at the quanta alone, Claioh is MUCH more powerful. The claim that this is acceptable because it requires a duo is a dubious claim at best in my opinion; with RoL as your quanta producer, and fractal to produce them, an

duo deck plays more like a mono, particularly with Solais' low cost.
The BIGGEST problem though is animate weapon and crusaders. Consider the following deck.
5 AW
6 Claioh Solais
6 Crusaders
6 RoL
1 Hope
3 Fractal
~8 Aether Towers
Mark of Aether
Just an example, obviously not optimal, but you get the picture. With RoL/Fractal, you can acquire a lot of light counters very quickly, around 15 at least with 2 fractals. With so many RoL in play,

quanta is not an issue, there would be plenty to play hope, crusaders, and Solais'.
So let's say there's 15 light counters. That's an immaterial shield that blocks 15 damage, a weapon that deals 19 damage (several of which are already on the field due to AW), at least a few crusaders endowed with said weapon, dealing 22 damage, and 15 RoL's dealing 1 damage each. That's a total of 15 damage mitigation and at least over 100 damage per turn.
Best way to fix it? Change the effect to "N = number of light emitting creatures divided by 2" is a good start. I considered suggesting that Solais be made immaterial like morning glory, that way it can't be targeted by crusaders, but I think it'd be better to leave the weapon vulnerable to PC. A cost upgrade might be in order, but I doubt it'd matter much considering you'd have an abundance of
