
Permanent burial https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=34863.msg441682#msg441682
« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2011, 11:42:07 pm »
I like the concept, but permanent bury? Wouldn't it be nice if your opponent can unbury with garboid. Plus, this gives a reason to run trident and indirectly; flooding.

For some reason I like it more if it was more costly, like Anubis, because that is some serious ability there. You can virtually negate damage from monsters excluding Dagons with a Diamond Shield and this card, having the damage output without it.  The low cost also means it will seriously dent rush decks, which I like, but the skill seems about as powerful as Arctic Squid.
For the quanta gain, that's a pretty self sufficient card. Unlike Anubis, Catfish can use it ability, if only once. Combine it with a low cost, and this can hit the field nicely.

What would this bury do to growth cards? Does the bury work after it?

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Re: Catfish | Namazu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=34863.msg441689#msg441689
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2011, 11:57:34 pm »
It would do the same as a mutation graboid with the ability growth would do in that case. The question I really want to ask is how would this interact with creatures that already know how to burrow? I would suggest that if target creature has burrow that they gain unburrow just like they would normally. After all they know how to dig themselves up and the coding would technically have themselves still with the skill burrow which means that they need two turns to burrow to gain unburrow, then to actually unburrow. Although perhaps bury could give anything with burrow already a special kind of unburrow that costs 2  :earth to use.

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Re: Catfish | Namazu https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=34863.msg442168#msg442168
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2011, 04:31:03 pm »
yah, i had thought about creatures with burrow. devourers and graboids and antlions. I think all your suggestions are workable options. currently the way the card is set up, because it gets burrowed and keeps its skill. something like a graboid would keep its ability to burrow itself further. and then unburrow from there. So in effect, you are burrowed once = half attack. burrowed again = 1/4th attack. then unburrowed back to 1/2 attack. so you could technically be unburrowed, but because of the "worse position" caused by bury, the creature would still be at half attack. Im not sure if that is the best way to do it, but that is how it is currently set up in my mind.

As for growth cards. It would make more sense to wait to burrow them probably. because they keep the skill to grow. if you burrow them early they will lose like 1, 2 or maybe 3 attack? burrow them later if you can afford it and they will have to regain  like 5 maybe even 10 attack.

And i understand the worries about the quickness of the card. it was originally meant to be splashable and combo with an early trident. but to give it more oomph the bury skill was added to make it more useful. that is sort of apparent in how it is set up. I tried to balance it as well as possible. a person playing a catfish will only be able to use 1 earthquake or 1 bury with the  :earth :earth :earth generated. additional uses will require more investment in earth towers. but this does give :earth :water a very powerfull CC and quanta control synergy.

