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NAME: | Caltrops
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ABILITY: | Assign this card to a creature slot of your choice. Any creature in that slot gains +0/-1 each turn until this card is destroyed.
| NAME: | Caltrops
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ABILITY: | Assign this card to a creature slot of your choice. Any creature in that slot gains +0/-1 each turn until this card is destroyed.
ART: | Wizelsnarf
| IDEA: | Wizelsnarf
| NOTES: | This card is designed for the passive ability "Agility" in which creatures move to a random adjacent slot if there is one unoccupied. (invented for the competition from below)
Mechanic: When Caltrops is played, it goes to your side of the field as a permanent. It randomly selects a creature slot from the enemy's board where its effect will take place. Hopefully this slot would be highlighted to you but not the enemy or indicated in some other way. (but maybe it would be random to both of you). As long as the permanent is in play, it continues working each time a creature moves into the assigned slot, but only once as long as the creature stays there.
| COMPETITION: | http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9387.0.html
Creatures with Agility
ENTROPY: [/color][/b] | Maxwell's Demon, Lycanthrope, Fallen Elf (all upgraded versions of these)
| DEATH: | Virus, Flesh Spider, Vulture, Deathstalker (all upgraded versions of these)
| GRAVITY: | Saphire Charger / Elite Charger
| EARTH: | Antilion, Graboid, Shrieker (only if unburrowed); Gnome Rider (all upgraded version of these)
| LIFE: | Horned Frog, Cockatrice, Forest Scorpion (all upgraded versions of these)
| FIRE: | Ash Eater, Phoenix (all upgraded versions of these)
| WATER: | Chrysaora[not sure if this creature should qualify or not], Blue Crawler, Toadfish, Arctic Octopus (all upgraded versions of these)
| LIGHT: | Photon, Pegasus, Guardian Angel
| AIR: | Dragonfly, Wyrm, Firefly (all upgraded versions of these)
| TIME: | Deja Vu, Scarab, Dune Scorpion (all upgraded versions of these)
| DARKNESS: | Parasite, Minor Vampire (all upgraded versions of these)
| AETHER: | Spark, Phase Spider (all upgraded versions of these)
Current Idea:
Airborne creatures are immune to caltrops (for obvious reasons).
The actual amount of damage, number of caltrops placed per use, and placement are in discussion, please vote.BY popular vote, the ability/description of this card has been changed. It now does 1 damage per turn and lasts until the card is destroyed by permanent control
Finalized Notes/Rules1. Caltrops is stackable, meaning you can play more than 1 caltrops to the same empty creature slot (and the perms stack if that happens).
2. Airborne Creatures are immune.
3. It can be destroyed by explosion, steal or pulvy
4. If an airborne creature is in a caltrops slot and is webbed, it will start taking damage