This seems a little... too powerful. at least increase to cost at least 1 each, and maybe decrease the damage dealt.
Not really, remember, this will discourage permanent use on your own side as well since you are the one setting the trap, And fire can heavily rely on pheonixes (Minor) and fire spirits, with which this can easily kill them, plus as it says on notes, its one activation for each Card (gets destroyed after being activated).
So as for the 2 hp damage part on creatures, its quite cheap compared to Fire storm which costs 5

to do 3 damage to all enemy creatures.
as for the minor pheonix fill part, a very similar effect to nightmare but thematically fits

and fits the trap theme as well.
Since this is only one use (one activation, then destroyed), the costs are okay in that sense,
However, this can be strong in the sense of auto fractalling minor pheonixes for yourself, so maybe the cost should be risen by 1

, then again, the current cost being fine can be justified by the fact it can only be activated 6 times and you wont always have a completely empty hand, so in the sense of self fractalling, its still partially situational.
I like this card, thematically and mechanically fits.