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Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: Jappert on January 27, 2011, 08:08:31 am

Title: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: Jappert on January 27, 2011, 08:08:31 am
5  :aether
With each spell cast, battery charges 5 damage.
﷯:aether Discharge: unload all damage upon your enemy.
4 :aether
With each spell cast, capacitator charges 5 damage.
﷯:aether Discharge: unload all damage upon your enemy.
Art by Jean-Victor Balin. This clip art was released into the public domain by the Open Clip Art Library. http://www.clipartist.net/category/clipart/open-clip-art/page/562/
- Each spell can only be stored by one battery/capacitator.
- If stolen, your opponent keeps all the charged damage (+5 from the steal spell!). If they have the aether quantum to unload it, you might be in trouble.
- Can be reflected by certain shields.
- Doesn't feed on creature skills.
One thing that made me a sad panda was the fact that I can't let this effect stack. Else we'd get to many stall decks spamming a few CC Spells (like lightning) and unloading all stored damage (6 x 6 x 5 =  ???) on the opponent. That would not be acceptable, so I decided, each spell can only load up one batery/capacitator.
The damage one Capacitator can deal is, in my opinion, not overpowered. If you look at the damage a Paralel Universe or Fractal can deal in one turn or the ammount of damage a single fahrenheit or firebolt can deal I don't think the capacitator is stronger. Everyone can see it sitting there, so if you can a spell, you probably know what you're doing.

Feedback is appreciated, thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: AnonymousRevival on January 27, 2011, 08:13:13 am
Rather call it a tesla.
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: Jappert on January 27, 2011, 08:16:18 am
I think I remember that from a movie called Prestige :D

I admit I'll have to look that up to see exactly what it does though. Changing the name to Capacitator | Tesla might be an option, thanks!
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: AnonymousRevival on January 27, 2011, 08:18:58 am
Capacitator is a rather small object, I doubt it would deal that much damage. perhaps you might want to call it a Power Coil, but I guess capacitator is okay.
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: OldTrees on January 27, 2011, 03:29:06 pm
Battery + Spark + Fractal + 8x Sparks = 77 damage for 16 :aether (95 damage for 14 :aether upgraded)

I am not claiming this is OP (it may or may not be) but I am pointing out the synergy.
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: Ekki on January 27, 2011, 03:55:54 pm
Battery + Spark + Fractal + 8x Sparks = 77 damage for 16 :aether (95 damage for 14 :aether upgraded)

I am not claiming this is OP (it may or may not be) but I am pointing out the synergy.
has the effect changed? because sparks aren't spells
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: Jappert on January 27, 2011, 04:39:43 pm
Sparks aren't spells as far as I know. They don't get reflected by Jade Shield either do they?
Fractal is a spell however.

Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: Flayne on January 27, 2011, 05:36:38 pm
I´d say this is pretty balanced, seeming as spells obviously can´t be fractalled
though  battery + Lightning could be very devastating but still not as deadly as multiple Unstable Gases on field.
6 lightning = 30 damage, > 6 charges equal 30 damage: Total = 60 damage.
the said equation is quite situational since you´d need a bit of time to draw all the necessary Lightnings and then to discharge the damage accumulated, which is why it isn´t as deadly as unstable gas which already has a whopping 20 damage to be discharged, thus making this card quite balanced.

imo, the ability name should be "Discharge"
it makes more sense.
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: OldTrees on January 27, 2011, 06:58:58 pm
Battery + Spark + Fractal + 8x Sparks = 77 damage for 16 :aether (95 damage for 14 :aether upgraded)

I am not claiming this is OP (it may or may not be) but I am pointing out the synergy.
has the effect changed? because sparks aren't spells
Sorry I am used to every card being a "spell" or a summon.
If it only counts the non creatures, non permanents then it is fine.
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: Jappert on January 30, 2011, 01:38:49 pm
Changed the effect name to discharge, thanks for that. I'm sticking with capacitator since it's a device first constructed in Leiden, at the same university were I studied, it just feels right.

Going to submit it to the crucible now, wish me luck ;)
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: dramore on January 30, 2011, 06:53:12 pm
This isn't bad but the 5damage charges may be a bit high. Here is why I say this.
With 1 Battery + 6 lighting bolts = 60 damage for 18  :aether (5 :aether battery cost + 12 :aether spell cost + 1 :aether activation cost)
With 2 Batteries + 6 lighting blots = 90 damage for 24  :aether (10 :aether battery cost + 12 :aether spell cost + 2 :aether activation cost)
With 3 Batteries + 6 lighting blots = 120 damage for 30  :aether (15 :aether battery cost + 12 :aether spell cost + 3 :aether activation cost)
With 4 Batteries + 6 lighting blots = 150 damage for 36  :aether (20 :aether battery cost + 12 :aether spell cost + 4 :aether activation cost)
With 5 Batteries + 6 lighting blots = 180 damage for 42  :aether (25 :aether battery cost + 12 :aether spell cost +5 :aether activation cost)
With 6 Batteries + 6 lighting blots = 210 damage for 48  :aether (30 :aether battery cost + 12 :aether spell cost + 6 :aether activation cost)
With 1 Capacitator + 6 lighting blots = 60 damage for 11 :aether (4 :aether battery cost + 6 :aether spell cost + 1 :aether activation cost)
With 2 Capacitator + 6 lighting blots = 90 damage for 16 :aether (8 :aether battery cost + 6 :aether spell cost + 2 :aether activation cost)
With 3 Capacitator + 6 lighting blots = 120 damage for 21 :aether (12 :aether battery cost + 6 :aether spell cost + 3 :aether activation cost)
With 4 Capacitator + 6 lighting blots = 150 damage for 26 :aether (16 :aether battery cost + 6 :aether spell cost + 4 :aether activation cost)
With 5 Capacitator + 6 lighting blots = 180 damage for 31 :aether (20 :aether battery cost + 6 :aether spell cost + 5 :aether activation cost)
With 6 Capacitator + 6 lighting blots = 210 damage for 36 :aether (24 :aether battery cost + 6 :aether spell cost + 6 :aether activation cost)

Now this is only the 12 cards listed and if more spells are cast(I'm assuming by either player) then the damage will go that much higher.
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: Jappert on January 30, 2011, 07:02:42 pm
"Each spell can only be stored by one battery/capacitator. "

The damage will stay at a pretty low level since stacking multiple batteries has no use. As I said before, the damage potential of Fractal, Paralel Universe, Firebolt and Drain life are much higher.
This card also has the disadvantage to be a permanent (as opposed to the spells mentioned earlier) and it has to be around for a while to get full nuke effect. In my opinion this is what makes it balanced.
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: dramore on January 30, 2011, 10:41:11 pm
"Each spell can only be stored by one battery/capacitator. "

The damage will stay at a pretty low level since stacking multiple batteries has no use. As I said before, the damage potential of Fractal, Paralel Universe, Firebolt and Drain life are much higher.
This card also has the disadvantage to be a permanent (as opposed to the spells mentioned earlier) and it has to be around for a while to get full nuke effect. In my opinion this is what makes it balanced.
ah yes I see where I missed that part. Also you said you wanted it to stack but thought it'd be OP. Well how about if you made it 1 damage per counter and let it stack. Also changed it to

 :aether :Discharge: Unload all damage onto Target.

This way it could also target creatures.

Just another idea for it.
Title: Re: Battery | Capacitator
Post by: Pineapple on January 31, 2011, 07:38:26 am
1. the ATK|HP section of the table should be left blank if the creature does not have any

2. take out the weird symbol before the :aether in the card text section of both cards in the table