Ahem. So, 3 choices here.



Here's my take.
Gravity is a fundamental force... but it is not the only fundamental force (The others being the strong interaction, the weak interaction, and electromagnetism). In Elements, Gravity deals with mass and gravity.
Entropy has to do with thermodynamics, and also the weak interaction. It deals with the decay of systems. In fact, without entropy, we could say that
everything is immaterial, because nothing would decay- systems wouldn't lose energy, and so forth. In Elements, Entropy has taken on the role of probability (randomness/duality, quantum mechanics).
The Atom is more related to the Strong interaction (strong nuclear force) and the electromagnetic force, as they are what keep atoms together (the strong interaction holding the nucleus together, the electromagnetic force attracting protons and electrons). Aether has a claim to the electromagnetic force- Spark, lightning, mindgate (the nervous system works by transmitting signals, i.e electrical pulses)
Thus, I support

For the ability, I think it should be entropy, not gravity. Gravity attracts all matter, yes, but it is entropy that causes nuclear reactions. In this case, extreme amounts of energy overwhelming the electromagnetic force and forcing the two nuclei together. Remember- Supernova is an

Btw, you should make two polls for this- one for the element of the card, one for the element of the skill.