Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: xBerzerk on October 22, 2010, 05:40:44 am

Title: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on October 22, 2010, 05:40:44 am
1 :water
Remove poison status from one creature
2 :water
:water : Cleanse
Remove poison status from one creature
Used to counteract Plague, Infection, etc. There is currently no counter against poison status. Element is water because Purify is an existing poison removal card, so I believed it would be fitting for another poison removal card to be in the same faction.

Thinking of changing Antibiotic: to Permanent, cost to 2 :water Quanta per ability, and effect to "remove poison status from one creature once per turn".

Card Ver. 0.0:
Card Ver. 1.0:
 - Cost Reduced from 4;6 to 1;2.
 - Upgraded version of card changed to Permanent.
 - Added spell effect "Cleanse".
 - Modified card art; Added fog to BG.
Card Ver. 1.1:
 - Modified card art; Cleaned up water mark.

Card art made using 3dsMax 2011, Photoshop CS3, and Elements Photoshop Template (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,891.0.html).
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: AnonymousRevival on October 22, 2010, 11:20:56 am
Way too UP, maybe  :water :water is enough.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Kuroaitou on October 22, 2010, 12:59:26 pm
-Fix the discrepancies between the card image text box and the Text in the table (remove the periods, and don't include the '(Change?)' option in the table)

Yeah, you definitely need to lower the spell's cost for both cards heavily. Both of them can cost 2 or 1 :water quanta to be honest, since it's basically an Anti-Plague card like Purify is to Deadly Poison. I suggest you make those changes to the card images/tables before it can be moved up. ;)

If you don't mind me asking, how did you create that art? Via spore?
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: PlayerOa on October 22, 2010, 01:30:08 pm
Im using this with Liquid Shadow :D
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on October 22, 2010, 11:54:49 pm
-Fix the discrepancies between the card image text box and the Text in the table (remove the periods, and don't include the '(Change?)' option in the table)

Yeah, you definitely need to lower the spell's cost for both cards heavily. Both of them can cost 2 or 1 :water quanta to be honest, since it's basically an Anti-Plague card like Purify is to Deadly Poison. I suggest you make those changes to the card images/tables before it can be moved up. ;)

If you don't mind me asking, how did you create that art? Via spore?
As said in the description, the card art was made from scratch using Autodesk 3dsMax and Photoshop CS3.

Hmm, now that you mention it, the costs are a bit pricey seeing as the only elements it counters are :darkness, :entropy, :water, and :death. I'll fix that..
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic *Under Modification*
Post by: Higurashi on October 23, 2010, 12:22:26 am
One creature? This is so situational it could have a free casting cost and still be underused. Namely, it would only be used to counter Aflatoxin. It wouldn't be worth a lick against Toadfish or Parasites, since the infection just renews, and it wouldn't be worth a lick against Plague since it hits all the creatures. It wouldn't even be worth the card space if you wanted to save your Otyugh from dying after having devoured a venomous creature, namely because it's going to be quinted, and just getting more Oty's would also be better.

A permanent would be much better, though it wouldn't be a new idea. Fountain of Youth would "refresh" a creature to restore it to its original state. This would be slightly different in that differences in stats would be retained, but other statuses would remain.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic *Under Modification*
Post by: xBerzerk on October 23, 2010, 12:23:26 am
One creature? This is so situational it could have a free casting cost and still be underused. Namely, it would only be used to counter Aflatoxin. It wouldn't be worth a lick against Toadfish or Parasites, since the infection just renews, and it wouldn't be worth a lick against Plague since it hits all the creatures. It wouldn't even be worth the card space if you wanted to save your Otyugh from dying after having devoured a venomous creature, namely because it's going to be quinted, and just getting more Oty's would also be better.

A permanent would be much better, though it wouldn't be a new idea. Fountain of Youth would "refresh" a creature to restore it to its original state. This would be slightly different in that differences in stats would be retained, but other statuses would remain.
The card has just been fixed. The upgraded version of the card is now a Permanent.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: TheCrazyMango on October 23, 2010, 12:29:58 am
i LOVE this card
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: AnonymousRevival on October 23, 2010, 01:23:23 am
I agree. For time, I have been wondering how to counter-poison my creatures, but here it is.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Higurashi on October 23, 2010, 01:47:06 am
Mm.. the only problem I see is Plague getting even worse now, but I do want something like this in-game. Maybe it'd have to cost more to summon is all.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on October 23, 2010, 11:29:35 pm
Mm.. the only problem I see is Plague getting even worse now, but I do want something like this in-game. Maybe it'd have to cost more to summon is all.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. This counters Plague. Why would a card be used more often if a counter is introduced? Like Player Oa mentioned, this would work exceptionally well with Liquid Shadow. Perhaps that would be used more often.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on October 23, 2010, 11:56:38 pm
Mm.. the only problem I see is Plague getting even worse now, but I do want something like this in-game. Maybe it'd have to cost more to summon is all.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. This counters Plague. Why would a card be used more often if a counter is introduced? Like Player Oa mentioned, this would work exceptionally well with Liquid Shadow. Perhaps that would be used more often.
This makes plague a less effective card overall.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Higurashi on October 24, 2010, 12:26:16 am
Worse as a card, not worse to deal with.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: AnonymousRevival on October 24, 2010, 07:55:06 am
Mm.. the only problem I see is Plague getting even worse now, but I do want something like this in-game. Maybe it'd have to cost more to summon is all.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. This counters Plague. Why would a card be used more often if a counter is introduced? Like Player Oa mentioned, this would work exceptionally well with Liquid Shadow. Perhaps that would be used more often.
This is actually the first time water and darkness will combine together.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Kuroaitou on October 26, 2010, 01:59:09 am

To answer your question from the post here:

Antidote | Antibiotic (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14338.0.html)

Re-submission. Edited.
**Also, is there a limit to how many times a card can be re-submitted to this topic?
There are no limitations to how many times you have to submit an idea for Crucible checking. However, once your idea is -in- the crucible or leveling system, you no longer have to resubmit it for approval. ^^;

Anyway, the card formatting is corrected, so it's now in Level 1, xBerzerk. :)
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: TheMartyr24 on October 26, 2010, 02:16:27 am
nice one!
I can let my creature get rid of the poison finally :p
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: AnonymousRevival on October 27, 2010, 12:06:11 am
I'll totally use this card.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on October 27, 2010, 01:40:34 am
Please, vote for it then. (;
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: AnonymousRevival on October 27, 2010, 03:58:22 am
Sure thing.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Krahhl on October 27, 2010, 04:33:47 am
I love the mechanics of this card, and it's very well balanced. Otyughs could eat poisonous creatures with this? Also interesting that unupped is a spell, but upped is a permanent. I guess SoG is like that, but unupped shard does nothing.

The name of the upped version doesn't seem to fit though. Antibiotics kill biotic things, such as bacteria. Poison isn't caused by bacteria, but by toxic chemicals. It's different from disease. But I guess viruses aren't affected by antibiotics, nor are they poisonous, yet they still cause poison. So it's not a big deal.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: AnonymousRevival on October 27, 2010, 09:11:46 am
True, but bacteria normally grows in these areas more easily.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on October 27, 2010, 11:35:20 pm
I love the mechanics of this card, and it's very well balanced. Otyughs could eat poisonous creatures with this? Also interesting that unupped is a spell, but upped is a permanent. I guess SoG is like that, but unupped shard does nothing.

The name of the upped version doesn't seem to fit though. Antibiotics kill biotic things, such as bacteria. Poison isn't caused by bacteria, but by toxic chemicals. It's different from disease. But I guess viruses aren't affected by antibiotics, nor are they poisonous, yet they still cause poison. So it's not a big deal.
My brother said the same thing, actually. I named the upped version of the card "Antibiotic" because antibiotics are generally mass-produced, fitting the re-usable effect of the card. Antidotes, as far as I'm concerned, aren't.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: wizelsnarf on November 14, 2010, 01:05:24 am
Excellent Artwork!
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on November 14, 2010, 07:48:30 am
Excellent Artwork!
Thank you, sir!
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: nawikipedia on November 26, 2010, 04:27:30 pm
nice idea, bur it shoulde cost less :water
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: CrazyJay94 on November 26, 2010, 04:31:06 pm
Seems awesome. I can think of 10 decks where i would use this card. If this gets added though i think liquid shadow would need to be tweaked.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on November 27, 2010, 12:43:40 am
Seems awesome. I can think of 10 decks where i would use this card. If this gets added though i think liquid shadow would need to be tweaked.
Probably make Liquid Shadow cost more or deal two poison. I always thought the vampire skill was cheap. But dealing two poison to a creature would be a little too cheap if used on an opponent..
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: CrazyJay94 on November 27, 2010, 06:34:20 pm
Well that is right though. liquid shadow would have to be changed somehow, but i think this card is completely needed. without it all your cards are just sitting ducks to poison decks.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on December 07, 2010, 03:38:20 am
Crucible : Water has been reset! Please remember to vote for Antidote | Antibiotic if you'd like to see it move onto Forge!

(Hope I'm allowed to promote like this.. If I'm not, just tell me and I'll delete the message. :x)
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Kuroaitou on December 07, 2010, 04:11:18 am
Crucible : Water has been reset! Please remember to vote for Antidote | Antibiotic if you'd like to see it move onto Forge!

(Hope I'm allowed to promote like this.. If I'm not, just tell me and I'll delete the message. :x)
This is fine - you are posting on your own card idea in a non-spamming way, so it's okay. ^^;

The bottle reminds me of an Alchemy spell, even though it's not... >_<
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on December 07, 2010, 04:30:43 am
Crucible : Water has been reset! Please remember to vote for Antidote | Antibiotic if you'd like to see it move onto Forge!

(Hope I'm allowed to promote like this.. If I'm not, just tell me and I'll delete the message. :x)
This is fine - you are posting on your own card idea in a non-spamming way, so it's okay. ^^;

The bottle reminds me of an Alchemy spell, even though it's not... >_<
Oh okay. Thanks for the info. (:

&.. Alchemy from what? FMA? or is Alchemy a game? I'm a bit lost here..
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Higurashi on December 07, 2010, 04:39:19 am
Alchemy spells. All Elements have one. Rage Potion for Fire, Antimatter for Entropy, and so on.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on December 08, 2010, 12:26:34 am
Oh, the bottled ones? Guessing the :water's is Nymph Tears?
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Wizardcat on December 08, 2010, 12:40:25 am
Yes, it is.

I love the synergy between this card and Liquid Shadow. I'd finally be able to create a deck that uses both of my favorite elements.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on December 08, 2010, 03:08:36 am
Yes, it is.

I love the synergy between this card and Liquid Shadow. I'd finally be able to create a deck that uses both of my favorite elements.
Heh, not only that, but you can protect yourself against Spine Carapaces. (;
Also, you scared me for a second. I thought I'd double posted without realizing it!
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: zse on December 08, 2010, 12:35:21 pm
I love the mechanics of this card, and it's very well balanced. Otyughs could eat poisonous creatures with this? Also interesting that unupped is a spell, but upped is a permanent. I guess SoG is like that, but unupped shard does nothing.

The name of the upped version doesn't seem to fit though. Antibiotics kill biotic things, such as bacteria. Poison isn't caused by bacteria, but by toxic chemicals. It's different from disease. But I guess viruses aren't affected by antibiotics, nor are they poisonous, yet they still cause poison. So it's not a big deal.
My brother said the same thing, actually. I named the upped version of the card "Antibiotic" because antibiotics are generally mass-produced, fitting the re-usable effect of the card. Antidotes, as far as I'm concerned, aren't.
I also have some issues with the naming, maybe it could be changed to Antivenom | Antidote.
Antidotes are pretty simple compounds, so those are in fact generally mass-produced. Some (for example EDTA) even in much larger quantities than antibiotics. Keeping your original, well thought, reasoning in mind, name Antivenom would make sense. Antivenom is a biological product (antibody to be exact), that can be used to treat envenomation. Those antivenom molecules (as all antibodies) are much harder to produce than most other medicines.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: AnonymousRevival on December 09, 2010, 12:04:50 am
Howabout diagnosis then?
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Krahhl on December 09, 2010, 12:07:23 am
Diagnosis is just identification of a problem. It doesn't fix anything.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on December 09, 2010, 12:14:59 am
I love the mechanics of this card, and it's very well balanced. Otyughs could eat poisonous creatures with this? Also interesting that unupped is a spell, but upped is a permanent. I guess SoG is like that, but unupped shard does nothing.

The name of the upped version doesn't seem to fit though. Antibiotics kill biotic things, such as bacteria. Poison isn't caused by bacteria, but by toxic chemicals. It's different from disease. But I guess viruses aren't affected by antibiotics, nor are they poisonous, yet they still cause poison. So it's not a big deal.
My brother said the same thing, actually. I named the upped version of the card "Antibiotic" because antibiotics are generally mass-produced, fitting the re-usable effect of the card. Antidotes, as far as I'm concerned, aren't.
I also have some issues with the naming, maybe it could be changed to Antivenom | Antidote.
Antidotes are pretty simple compounds, so those are in fact generally mass-produced. Some (for example EDTA) even in much larger quantities than antibiotics. Keeping your original, well thought, reasoning in mind, name Antivenom would make sense. Antivenom is a biological product (antibody to be exact), that can be used to treat envenomation. Those antivenom molecules (as all antibodies) are much harder to produce than most other medicines.
I'm inclined to believe someone who sets their avatar to a Mutation symbol. The only problem I have with the names you listed is that it seems... out of order. Not by definition, but by the way they sound. It would be expected for an upgraded card to sound more powerful or capable, unless it were to be a downgraded version of the unupgraded (eg. Minor Phoenix or Microabomination). Antivenom has a very harsh sound to it, making it sound even more powerful than the simple Antidote.

I understand your reasons and the definitions work well; it's just that the words seem out of order. Thank you for the feedback.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: zse on December 09, 2010, 12:44:26 am
I love the mechanics of this card, and it's very well balanced. Otyughs could eat poisonous creatures with this? Also interesting that unupped is a spell, but upped is a permanent. I guess SoG is like that, but unupped shard does nothing.

The name of the upped version doesn't seem to fit though. Antibiotics kill biotic things, such as bacteria. Poison isn't caused by bacteria, but by toxic chemicals. It's different from disease. But I guess viruses aren't affected by antibiotics, nor are they poisonous, yet they still cause poison. So it's not a big deal.
My brother said the same thing, actually. I named the upped version of the card "Antibiotic" because antibiotics are generally mass-produced, fitting the re-usable effect of the card. Antidotes, as far as I'm concerned, aren't.
I also have some issues with the naming, maybe it could be changed to Antivenom | Antidote.
Antidotes are pretty simple compounds, so those are in fact generally mass-produced. Some (for example EDTA) even in much larger quantities than antibiotics. Keeping your original, well thought, reasoning in mind, name Antivenom would make sense. Antivenom is a biological product (antibody to be exact), that can be used to treat envenomation. Those antivenom molecules (as all antibodies) are much harder to produce than most other medicines.
I'm inclined to believe someone who sets their avatar to a Mutation symbol. The only problem I have with the names you listed is that it seems... out of order. Not by definition, but by the way they sound. It would be expected for an upgraded card to sound more powerful or capable, unless it were to be a downgraded version of the unupgraded (eg. Minor Phoenix or Microabomination). Antivenom has a very harsh sound to it, making it sound even more powerful than the simple Antidote.

I understand your reasons and the definitions work well; it's just that the words seem out of order. Thank you for the feedback.
True that, those names don't sound exactly right. Oh well, at least I tried. I'll just have to try harder next time... :-[

BTW that symbol means Biohazard, not just image on Mutation card, nor just the band.  :P
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: xBerzerk on December 09, 2010, 02:30:18 am
Hah, I'm aware. Just thought I'd stick to the name it's referred to in Elements since we're on an Elements forum. (;

Don't worry though, it was a very nice idea, with hard data to back it up. If you do come up with anything better than Antidote|Antibiotic, let me know and I'll be sure to change it.
Title: Re: Antidote | Antibiotic
Post by: Krahhl on December 09, 2010, 03:13:22 am
I thought antidote was the term for something that cures poison and includes antivenom, while antivenom was the name for the chemical itself, which is produced from antibodies.

You could try antitoxin for another word, though it doesn't really help with the one-time use vs. mass produced idea.