3.Your thread must include two card images: one non-upgraded and one upgraded. The card images must be good quality and made with the official Photoshop Template or Pixlr Template (or with something similar). The correct size of the card is 282x436 pixels.
If you want it to get to the next stage you'll need to change the picture btw to the actual card images. From the rules which you should've read before posting:Quote3.Your thread must include two card images: one non-upgraded and one upgraded. The card images must be good quality and made with the official Photoshop Template or Pixlr Template (or with something similar). The correct size of the card is 282x436 pixels.
what happen if you use it with rage elixir?
The pictures are hillarious.(Not saying this in a mean way)The concept is pretty difficult to use... since entropy doesn't have buff cards or kill your own creature cards(with benefit I mean).
Gonna make something real once the balance issues are out of the way and i don´t have to change the card daily.
Vodoo Doll is very simmilar.
Just have a blank card there then Sal better than a random purple border.