Both Abiogenesis and Evolution are entropically favored and you do not seem opposed to Entropy being the primary theme of

I have not argued that Entropy is not the primary theme of
Off topic:
Entropic abiogenesis
Plasma membranes form spontaneously due to increased entropy
Larger vesicles grow by stealing lipids
Currents can cause vesicles to divide into multiple smaller vesicles
Monomers can easily pass through the membrane
Polymers cannot easily pass through the membrane
Monomers are in an equilibrium between being attached or separate from a polymer
Polymers in vesicles are heritable
Polymers of RNA can give vesicles characteristics
This soup has entropically favored entities that grow, reproduce, and have agenetic code. Protolife or Life?
On topic:
What average value of creature will/should this create?