If you've seen some of my posts in the other element sections you probably know the drill. I'm going through each element and explaining my reasoning for why I didn't vote for certain cards.
If I misinterpret your card of you think my evaluation is wrong feel free to say so, I'm only trying to be helpful and won't be offended if you disagree. You may even earn yourself another vote if you convince me.
Curator: Okay, I'm going to refer back to my reasoning on this for a lot of these, so on later cards if I say "inherently rushable" look to this one for an explanation. A great difficulty with designing "other" element cards is that in elements it is extremely easy to get a great deal of quanta very quickly so long as you don't care what type it is. Look to cards like quantum pillar and nova to see why. This makes it very easy to rush almost any creature with the "other" element.
Travelling Cultist: Inherently rushable. Also, while I like many of the abilities in the cultist series it does bring up the humans in elements controversy.
Mercenary: Holy cow inherently rushable! With this card and nova you could get 20 damage on the field your first turn!
Shapechanger: Inherently rushable. For certain elements it's just hands down better than currently existing cards.
is particularly notable in this regard since the
form is better than arctic squid, which is a rare card.
Pony: Weak compared to the other mounts. Not inherenly rushable though, since you can only have one mount. Are most of the mounts meant to be rare cards? The whole mount series is sort of a matter of you either have to take all of them or none of them.
Overdrive: This + nova = play anything on your first turn.
Pigley: A really fun concept but probably would end up awkward if implmented. I think I would like to see this show up on April Fool's day though. Maybe have it so that one day the AI would play it? Sort of like the holy cow pets.
Yin Yang: A bit confusing and would be really awkward to make it work. The cost is based on the creature it's cast on, but you pay for spells
before you pick the target. Couldn't be implemented without reworking the core coding of the game.
Duality: I feel like some elements (
) do not have clear opposites, and trying to force them to have opposites is awkward.
The upgrade costs more (*edit*-misread the card) and really doesn't look like it's ant more useful, as only a deck designed around this would really benefit from it, it doesn't really matter if it affects your opponent.
Prismatic converter: Not really sure how this works, but it doesn't look terribly useful. It keeps quanta pools even with one another, but I usually don't want my quanta pools even with one another: I want more quanta of the type I use more of. Also, discord would make any deck using this cry.
Pseudocaster: Is this form Outlaw Star? While I like the anime it doesn't really fit the theme of elements. Also, this could be really OP with certain elements. Can you imagine facing a deck that could consistently have infinite steals and drain life? Or how about earthquake and stoneskin?
Arcane Mastery: Similar balancing issues to Pseudocaster. Only you can have more than one. The card generators are neat ideas, but I think they might need to be broken down by element instead of trying a "one size fits all".
Coat of Arms: Just not that big on shields that damage your opponent I guess. Also the upgrade is huge- it doubles both the protection value and the damage it does.
Quantum Compressor: Highly exploitable if I understand it correctly. You pay one of each quantum type that you have to create an object that sets off nova when sacrificed. But if you only have one, or zero, type(s) of quanta, you basically just got 11 or 12 free quanta. I can't see actually using it unless I was exploiting it though, seems like it would only be useful against discord, black hole or pests, and it would be awkward to use against those.
Once again, if I didn't mention your card above that means I either voted for it or I'm trying to make up my mind.
Now I'm going to break from my routine and take this opportunity to talk about one of the cards I
did vote for.
Basically I
really like the shard of protection. Yes it's a creature shard, which is a little weird, and other element creatures are easy to rush. But rushing a 0 attack creature would be pointless, and I think that this card would be a huge boost to the game.
As it stands right now
is the only element that can do anything at all to stop permanent control. I've seen several other proposed methods, but most were either imitations of protect artifact or otherwise uninspiring. This card would give any deck a way to protect their permanents, but isn't redundant with protect artifact, and I think it balances well.
okay I'm done ranting now