Not a bad thing, I just think you could realize its not a good idea anymore, lol, although you got some votes.
Some time ago, I have read something about having a spell shard, a permanent shard, and a creature shard. Now that we have the shard of not readiness, looks like we dont need a creature shard anymore, lol. Nor its necessary a shard cause an effect related to life points. In fact, the concept is interesting, I just dont think it deserves the rare status, or being "other". Could be a pretty average common creature of an element, however. Think about it
Hehe, you really loves your idea, huh? So lets say its balanced. And lets say I can imagine a floating shard with a spirit that shoot beams of energy. But, why not another creature? Does this merely "balanced" creature deserves the status of shard, becoming another rare card in the game? Why not design it as a spirit that shoot beams of energy, and is a creature you can buy from bazaar? That would fit better to me, I dislike having tons of rare cards I dont think are worth 1500 to use (like the new shard of not readiness), but maybe some people are too limited to accept that.
That said, I really think that self healing is a much more natural thing than damaging another creature in a way it 'cant' heal itself. Again, I dont think it should be avaliable to all elements.
Last thing: so the options in the poll have different ages? If so, this is ridiculous. So, lets say a card was in the very 1st options. People votes to it and never return, so it get votes of people that didnt compare it to other cards added later. The poll should restart after a card is picked as winner. My 2 cents.
Marvaddin - what is your problem?
1. **Orange highlights** as BS said - the polls DO reset when cards get moved up - I thought that would be obvious as the votes went all to 0 lol *faceplam* ^_^
2. **teal highlights** his card is not a bad idea - it is pretty much tied 1st place atm, and with enough voters could be moved to forge - either this round or the next - in what way has it gotten worse ??? ???
3. **yellow highlights** there is no rule about creature not shooting beams - go make one and stop b****ing ffs - if you want one in the bazaar make a card and level it up till it is in the game
4. **Lime green highlights** no it isn't necessary - but this is what this card does -- however I see many cards directly affecting life points -- such as: when they attack - duh >_<; when vampires heal their players with their attacks. so why cant a shard have similar abilities to creature cards now?? See witherbeast (or something like that) which has similar ability the this shard
5. **red highlights** -- umm as explained above - we have self healing - what else do you want? - Empathatic bond/Feral bond; Vampire/Minor Vampire; Shard of grattitude; liquid shadow; antimatter.... and ok - so it should only be available to one element - that'd make it really fair wouldn't it ¬.¬ something tells me you are not the smartest cookie in the tin
6. **Purple Highlights** I do not like the concept of SoR - but then again I've never used it >_< what is wrong with rare cards? they make the game interesting and challenging rather than simple easy and boring. just because you're a n00b and haven't used rare cards before doesn't mean they are all rubbish and shouldn't deserve ideas on new rares.....
7. **maroon highlights** What? the SoR is not a creature - but another spell - we DO still need a creture shard -- or if that is unacceptable have it as a weapon shard but it is flying-able, steal-able destroy-able -- MAYBE THAT WOULD BALANCE IT OUT -- but that means it wouldn't be a creature anymore :/ hrmmm
sorry if it looks like I'm picking on you, but I mean no offence :S If you take offence to any parts I'll happily edit them out - my bad - I got a bit carried away there >_< :L :S sorry