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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2010, 10:09:14 pm »
why not just let 2 darknes cards move to forge instead of one?
btw if i were you i propably would vote for Dark Soul/Ghost and that not just becouse i made the card XD
EDIT: yuhu 5 votes 3 more please
Edit:those darkness ones seems to be the closest XD i mean 6.6% is the most common thats beatable you all love Dark Soul/Ghost you really do so vote for it becouse its awesome
Edit:now i know how i get you many people here hate me if you hate me you gotta vote for Dark Soul/Ghost


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Erasure | Voidance (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #37 on: July 06, 2010, 08:25:21 pm »
The image for Erasure | Voidance has been updated.

To Kael Hate: I sent you a PM a few days ago.  I guess you prefer not to use that for card curating?

Kael Hate

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Re: Erasure | Voidance (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2010, 08:59:06 pm »
The image for Erasure | Voidance has been updated.

To Kael Hate: I sent you a PM a few days ago.  I guess you prefer not to use that for card curating?

I've had my PM inbox spammed by persons asking over and over about card ideas so it probably got lost under the mess of messages from people who can't wait a few days while i'm busy or have their idea actually ready.

Best method for having an issue addressed like a new image is with a post in the topic it which it needs to be fixed.


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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2010, 09:12:21 pm »
Allow me to campaign for Black Panther | Midnight Panther a bit.
This card adds a much needed 'mindgame' aspect to Elements.  It allows for a surprise attack, and adds the element that things are not as they seem.  This is valuable, because currently things are taken at face value.  It's time to shake things up and add some Tricks and Traps to our arsenal.  It is fair and balanced, with some limited growth opportunities.  So please vote for it!

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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #40 on: July 07, 2010, 12:52:52 am »
Okay, so there's a lot of darkness card ideas . . . so my appologies for a really long post

Dangerous Trickster: A really neat idea that fits well with :darkness but could be even more of a nightmare to code than puppet. Especially the AI's reaction to it.
May also need some minor tweaks for balancing before it's ready for forge.
Again though, really cool concept that could add a whole new level of strategy to the game. Would be a great addition if someone can figure out how to make it work.

Dark Mosquito: In elements a single point of life is not really significant. Granted the 3 extra damage isn't supper significant either, so the damage balances.
However, even including the +3/+0 the stats for this critter aren't very good. In :death (a closely related element) the creature Flesh Recluse is 6/3 for :death :death :death . Granted the stats on the non-upgraded mosquito are comparable to the non-upgraded spider, but the spider doesn't hurt the user and, honestly I think the non-upgraded spider isn't a very useful card. Basically this guy needs a boost.

Fading Cultist: The cumulative -1/-1 per turn is a little to similar to poison, and the secondary effect of making the target become the element darkness would often be counterproductive since nightfall would effect it.

Corpse Candle: I love the idea, and I think cheap, but unfocused creature control would be a good boost to :darkness . However this card in its present form is very expensive to play for what it does. I say cut the cost.

Shadow Dancer: Very situational. I suppose this could provide the ultimate answer to Hope/fractal/RoL decks, but it would also weaken a couple of other decks that I don't think necessarily need weakened (example: firefly queen). Might change my mind on this later.

Swarm of Bats: A very generic seeming growth creature, but I think this one might actually be a little stronger than forest spirit (the closest existing creature). Having 1 less attack to start with is no biggie for a growth creature and it's harder to creature control before it has a chance to grow.

Lost Soul: I can't think of any good uses for the unupgraded version, and only 1 for the upgraded one (have it eat sparks in a :death / :darkness deck) an interesting concept, but it needs a little more utility.

Necromancer: This card looked great until I saw the stats on the ghouls. It's pretty much fractal devourers on a stick. The ghouls drain quanta, have decent attack and gain more hp each time they attack. The ghouls need a serious nerf.

Assasin: There's a reason why most creature control cards work by hp and not attack of the target. If you make creature control based on the targets attack there's hardly any point in having a hp score at all. The whole point of high hp creatures is they're hard to kill. Also to similar to oty, and the upgrade boosts the attack (a big deal since what he can kill is based on his attack) and lowers the cost-pick one or the other. His starting stats are better than oty, and while he costs more to summon & use, :darkness quanta is generally easier to get large amounts of than :gravity.

Erasure: I'm not quite clear on the purpose of this card. Is it a way to get rid of uneeded cards or is discarding cards an additional cost to poison your opponent a whole bunch? It seems like you oculd poison your opponent a lot fast with this than by any other method, and it might be a little OP, especially late in the game if you could be certain you would no longer draw any pillars once you have enough of them and give your opponent 6 poison.

Kidnap: Very complicated and might be hard to code. Also, plastic bags don't fit well with elements.

Foul animation: Another way to turn pillars in your hand into something useful late in the game. A bit to  close to fractal, and a bit to limited in scope.

Ominous Mist: Maybe it's just me but I feel like the duration is way to short to be useful most of the time. I think I'd be better off drawing a creature control card 95% of the time.

Curse: Very similar in effect to fire shield, only better. I feel like the introduction of the "goes to your opponent's side" mechanic is pointless here-why not just have it deal 1 damage/turn to enemy creatures? The only reason for going to the opponent's side I can think of is to make it immune to steal.

Veil: It's quintessence that affects all of your creatures, and still let's you cast buffs on your own guys. Wow . . .

Eye in the Sky: I like the concept of :darkness getting spying type abilities, but I can't see using this in a :darkness deck. I would have to splash :air just to be able to use this one card. Until more :air / :darkness synergy arrives this would only be usable in rainbows, and wouldn't be supper useful there either since rainbows could just use precognition if they want to see the enemy hand.

Forest of Shadows: The unupped is a little too similar to a quantum pillar, and doesn't do that well when compared to a quantum pillar. Still making up my mind about the upgrade.

Shadow Orb: ::darkness & :death are already best buddies, I don't feel that another card is needed to strengthen that.

Warlock's Orb: Fits well with darkness and I like what the card's going for, but this worked out pretty complicated. Not sure whether this would work out really powerful, or just end up being similar to mirror shield in that it's to situational to be useful. I'm leaning towards really powerful, since it could mess with any spell.
In general I think this has a lot of promise, I'd just like to see a few tweaks before it moves up to forge.

Again, sorry for the gigantic post, but there are so many cards up there . . .

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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #41 on: July 07, 2010, 03:01:33 am »
So the ones you didn't comment on are the ones you voted for?
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

Offline ratcharmer

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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #42 on: July 07, 2010, 03:48:58 am »
So the ones you didn't comment on are the ones you voted for?
I either voted for them or I'm still trying to make up my mind


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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #43 on: July 07, 2010, 06:04:24 am »
In defense of Veil | Cloak, it only lasts 3 turns and technically it isn't quint since spells that affect every creature on the field would still work ( like RoF or Plague). Just wanted to clear that up, though you are still free to say "Wow."

Offline ratcharmer

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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #44 on: July 07, 2010, 06:08:06 pm »
In defense of Veil | Cloak, it only lasts 3 turns and technically it isn't quint since spells that affect every creature on the field would still work ( like RoF or Plague). Just wanted to clear that up, though you are still free to say "Wow."
Okay, I honestly hadn't realized that field effects would still work since the language on the card is similar to immortal creatures, on whom field effects don't work.
Veil is still really powerful though, since you can target your own creatures but your opponent can't, and it affects all your creatures with just one card.

Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #45 on: July 07, 2010, 10:21:49 pm »
I changed the Fading Cultist: Thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6909.0.html).
And I added a poll about the card ability, too. So please vote. (Both polls) :)

Kael Hate

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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2010, 10:48:00 am »
I changed the Fading Cultist: Thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6909.0.html).
And I added a poll about the card ability, too. So please vote. (Both polls) :)


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Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Darkness Card Ideas - 26 Cards (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #47 on: July 13, 2010, 01:28:10 am »
Necromancer: This card looked great until I saw the stats on the ghouls. It's pretty much fractal devourers on a stick. The ghouls drain quanta, have decent attack and gain more hp each time they attack. The ghouls need a serious nerf.

Ghouls have now had a nerf, they enter battle with a poison counter on them thus if at anytime they miss an attack they immediately die. They are also not effected by Eclipse. (I am redoing the actual card but will wait for voting to be over)



