Mirror shield description: "reflects damage from spells". Purify does no damage. Poison does no damage. They add counters. Working as intended i guess.
I +1 this.
And so does Nightmare. Nightmare(even the HP drain) is not reflected with Reflective Shield.
As much as I think SoSac has been a little over nerfed now, I don't think Reflective shield should reflect purify or poison since neither does damage.
The shield text specifically says "Any damage from spells is reflected" so I see no reason why it should reflect purify or poison.
On the other hand, I do think it should reflect the damage from nightmare since it is, essentially, a spell dealing damage.
If reflective shield is allowed to reflect poison or purify, then the wording needs to be changed to reflect that change.
I'm not against that from a balance point of view, although I do think that it should have a raised cost... For that matter, it would be nice if catapult damage were included somehow since there is currently no way to stop it. But I'm starting to get off track now so I'll leave it at that.